What Type Learner Are You? Self Learning Autodidact?

New Alien Race Sighted on Campus! Scamartisticons!

Self learning autodidact? What type learner are you?
What type learner are you? A Self Learning Autodidact?

Hey Scamartisticons! What Type Learner Are You?

It is December and according to our informants the kidnapper aliens are probably back on their way to our planet Wealthy Earth. What will they have planned for us? That brings us to another topic as well and we ask ourselves what type learner are you? How do you learn? Do you learn from us? And are you maybe a self learning autodidact?

But first let us bring you some news from our Wealthy Affiliate University. There was another alien attack we experienced last week as the alien race the Scamartisticons launched an attack against all students of our Wealthy Affiliate University by trying to persuade them in seeking contact in the classrooms.

Watch out for scamartisticons asking you what type learner are you.
Scamartisticons are on our University persuading students asking what type learner are you.

They asked everyone: “What type learner are you?”, probably to find out what is the best way to manipulate them. Then they tried to slowly gain the students trust and get to their hard earned student money.

The attack got stopped with the help of many students from the Campus, who were very attentive and alerted the authorities. The Direction of the university took appropriate action and removed these aliens from our student rooms.

As a newspaper we put out a warning on the message board at the entrance of the university to warn anyone else who might experience this communicative approach. The students were very happy and welcomed our actions. Unfortunately, the Scamaristicons managed to get this warning removed. We hope that all other members did not get harmed now as our warning is gone.

An investigation has been launched. We will keep you updated on further developments about alien activity here at the Campus of the Wealthy Affiliate University.

Identify Yourself! What Type Learner Are You?

Think and identify yourself what type learner are you.
What type learner are you is the big question. You must think and identify yourself.

Todays topic is about you and to find out how you can identify yourself what type learner are you and if you are a Self Learning Autodidact. First of all you might want to know what this exactly means:

Definition of Autodidact

Any person, who has gained the skill by teaching himself new skills and teachings about topics, without the interference of an alien, a troll, a monster, a teacher or any other formal being or someone’s else’s education. Basically it means you are a self-taught person.

We can learn everything what we like to know by doing our own research, gain knowledge by reading books: many old books contain hidden knowledge, which got forgotten on the internet. I have many old books dating from around the year 1900 and even before.

You can also learn a lot by experience, the experience you gain in activities and any action you take in life. When you conduct your own research, always include findings from all teaching directions as with a larger amount of research from positive and negative enlightened topics, you will be able to form your own experience and knowledge in that.

5 Ways to Identify What Type Learner Are You!

1. You are eager with deep desire to know more, you are very curious!

What type learner are you if you do stop asking questions about this strange rock formation.
Never stop asking questions! On one of our trips we discovered this strange rock formation.

Look at that strange rock formation, are aliens responsible for showing male genitalia on this mountain? We have launched an investigation and we are conducting research. We will see if we can travel there to find out the truth for you.

You see, never stop asking questions, till you found all your answers. And don’t kill your cat with your curiosity, including alien cats.

Enrich your mind, master your ideas no matter the distractions you find on your journey. Many aliens will try to stop you for finding the truth and what type learner are you, so be aware of that.

Find new ways how things can function and do not put yourself down to things, which are already in place. Cars develop over time too, or are you still driving an oldtimer going 15km an hour?

2. You Are Independent Not Having to Rely on School for Learning!

From home you can do internet research and widen your knowledge.
Find the knowledge of your topic, wherever you are. From home is very comfy.

Accept and know that the academic structured system on the internet is defined and regulated by others, aliens included. Do not limit yourself by this system and find your own way around this. In this way you will be able to give your knowledge back to the current pool of knowledge existing.

As our reporters do, we strategically infiltrate any classroom, library, bookstore, museum and the internet to find the knowledge of our topic we want to know more about and come back here to share it with you. Very good independent sources are: webinars, seminars, journals, blogs, articles and essays.

Sometimes we also interrogate aliens if this is the only way to retrieve more information to know what they have planned for us next.

3. You Think Outside The Box! What Type Learner Are You?

Think outside the box. What type learner are you?
What type learner are you? Do you think outside the box?

Are you thinking inside your little world only or are you an out of the box thinker?

Free yourself from your boundaries of your current knowledge and ask your own questions if what you read is all what is to say about it, is it true or not, is it the way to go or not, do not take someone’s word for it, but do your own research to come to your own conclusion, always. This is a unique way of learning.

4. Create Your Own Learning System! Personalize Your Needs!

Prepare your room and create your own learning system.
Create your own learning system. What type learner are you?

During your journey to find your own knowledge you will gain your own strategies to learn even more. You are self-dynamic and you will overcome any obstacle being put in your way. Please report any alien activity you find along your journey to us, so we can archive that information to be used for future alien captures.

A good way is to brainstorm. Sit in a quiet place, where no one can distract you and write your thoughts down. Some may also listen to meditative music or nature sounds, or go into the forest and enjoy the goodness of nature itself. Be self disciplined, that is the key.

5. Build a Bridge Between Old and New Knowledge!

From your old and new knowledge you build a bridge to combine them.
Build a bridge from old to new knowledge to get your end result.

Now you will develop new insights, you will be able to unlearn old thinkings, which have past our times of true knowledge for todays time we live in. You will be able to connect the dots, see connections to other knowledge and form your own meaning on hand of your own new found knowledge.

Conclusion What Type Learner Are You?

Learn to be an autodidact and you know what type learner are you.
No matter for what you conduct your research, business or private, it will give you a better insight for better results.

Now ask yourselves: “What would you like to do with the new knowledge you gained?” Do you want to be a self learning autodidact? If yes, follow all 5 rules and you will see a new world opening up in front of you. You can use what you learned to resolve any kind of question you may have. Also in your business, from idea to final project launch and beyond.

Do not get stuck in your thoughts by thinking this is all what was and you cannot find more. This is the knowledge you found for now, it is enough to go new ways and always keep in mind, there is more out there and over time you will gain more knowledge about it.

Get out of your comfort zones and take action!

And here is what some of our students had to say!

Agnes DF

I’m a certified Self Learning Autodidact! Booyah!
As for the Aliens, GET OUT OF HERE!

The Joker

Congratulations Agnes, awesome. We need to be extra attentive due to new alien activity. If you see anything unusual or hear strange noises, please contact our redaction immediately, so we can investigate.

Cowboy James

I’m too tired after fighting my own monsters for the last 6-8 weeks. But if someone could eradicate these monsters I would be grateful. Thanks for the teachings.

The Joker

If you ever are looking for a new job, the organization of Freedom Fighters is still recruiting. They would love it to have a troll fighter in their team.

Dr. Moon

Identify Scamartisticons! What type learner are you?
What Type Learner Are You? Scientific Experiments?

There is currently a new project dedicated to the research and development of anti-Scamaristicon Superglue here in Dr. A.F’s lab. It is a new line of product, aimed at making netizens’ live better by terminating nasty Scamaristicons currently residing in our environment.

We have identified a few species so far, but there may be far more others. Rest assured that there will be continuing efforts in this area. Details will be released later.

The Joker

Dr. Ambrosuis Fard (A.F.) just said your name card on your office door has been changed into D.M., he thought that sounds better and it indicates, when you are in your office as a meaning of moon phase. He was a bit delirious after he heard you called his famous name as Dr. A.F., I suggest you bring him some new slimy Scamartisticons samples to calm his mood…..

Happy Scamhunting!

Agent Moonwalker

Hi Joker,

I have always been more of a free spirit, so I probably learn less from the rigid learning systems in school. That’s my explanation for my poor grades anyway.

Therefore I am very pleased to attend your new teachings here. It gives me assurance that there is still hope for me. I hope I can claim in-depth knowledge and I can cover all 5 autodidact learning levels. Let me go dissect myself further.

Also the term looks like auto-did-act to me… so i did act automatically in most occasions in my life anyway.

The Joker

Awesome Moon, I see there is still hope for you to get all your rocks back in place without using duct tape….

Agent Moonwalker

What Type Learner Are You when Using Duct Tape?
What Type Learner Are You? Using duct tape to stick your hair?

I love duct tape… I am now experiencing hair loss and duct tape is a great tool for keeping those in place on my head. Same for my blogs in the newspaper, where I keep forgetting the area I typed in my keywords. So I always stick duct tape to it and make my blog look like a beautiful jigsaw puzzle.

The duct tape is a new awesome sticky experience of Dr. Fard, because they are super sticky and never come off. Oh there are some samples in the lab already, which are screaming and squirming to get out, but they are held down by the said duct tape on the duct tape samples itself. The squirming noises calm Dr. Fard more down than anything else.


The Joker

Hmmm you give me an idea. Do you think it will hold teddy bears as well? It can come in very handy you know.


Awesome Joker. I find myself in the 5 categories, really, but I must keep researching and learning (my memory isn’t as good as it used to be).

The Joker

Thank you Carol, we are never too old to learn, just take your time, it is good you take the effort to question more, from your new knowledge, you will create new blogs.

Admiral McKearns loves to fly his Star Cruiser Freedom and hunt the nasties down.


Hi Joker,

I find myself within all 5 of them. I always do a lot of research and cover everything that I do not want to miss out. I agree very much with it that we should not stop till we find what we are looking for. My curiosity takes me back to the point, where there is more to be researched.

The Joker

Thank you, I am happy you enjoyed the teachings. From what I read you are a true handbag Autodidact, or as Dr. Fard would say a handbag researcher.


Nice teachings Joker,

I suspect that many Wealthy Affiliate students have self-teaching tendencies. I know I do!!

The Joker

That sounds great and if not it is never too late to develop them.

Admiral McKearns

Identify Panspermia or Scamspermia. What Type Learner Are You?
Is it a new kind of alien infection? Scamspermia or Panspermia?

Hey Joker,

What Type Learner Are You?

The worst sort of panspermia or I should say scamspermia transmitted is not through intergalactic space, but on our own planet!

Gotta watch it from that direction!


The Joker

Like that, you gotta love it! Thanks for keeping a lookout for us Admiral McKearns.


Use duct tape to put your egg shells back together.
A new sport is born? Duct tape egg shelling puzzle?

I enjoyed your article, but you may want to add “Willing to break the egg and put it back together when self-teaching”.

The Joker

Good one, but do you have the right glue for it too?


Duct tape always works.

The Joker

hahahaha and make a new educational art of piece: The Duct Tape Egg!


The Joker, Editor in Chief


  1. Hi Joker,

    Is there such a thing as info overload because my fingers are sweeping the floor … but I want to learn more. My mind is like a library with all the books on the floor.

    I am a community learner, I love to have sound boards around to bounce my ideas and knowledge off.
    A thinker out of the box … but never try to put me in the box and close the lid … you might find yourself on your way to the moon.

    Bush Lady.

    • Hello Stella,

      According to Zero information is endless, we never stop learning, however the amount of information we can comprehend at the same time might be limited for many humans. Dr. Fard is working on solutions and once he found a way how we can learn more in a shorter amount of time, we will publish it here on our newspaper.

      It is a great way to learn with others together. That is fun, and when we have fun we learn and won’t forget. Have you ever been on the moon? Agent Moonwalker was there recently to collect moonrocks. You can use them for throwing exercises or just keep them in your shelve to look at.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  2. I have always known that I am a sponge for information I am interested in and now I know what to call myself, a self learning autodidact. 🙂

    Everyday is a school day.

    Dope Article Joker!

    • Hello Marvin,

      That is great to hear, we never stop learning, looking and researching ourselves is the best way to widen our horizon of knowledge.

      Thank you for your compliments, much appreciated!

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  3. I am a pretty curious person. I will try and find out as much as I can about a particular subject. I will experiment with known “rules and procedures” to find out if that is the only way something can be done.

    Great article! Keep up the good fight!!

    • Hello Jimbo,

      It is great to hear from same minded people, if you ever are looking to be a reporter, drop us a line, if alien and supernatural investigations interests you. Dr. Fard said he likes how you say “experiment” as he is doing this too on a daily base, he just loves it.

      Thank you for your kind words and support.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  4. I’m definitely one who thinks outside the box and I have done so since birth. Living in an area that loves to remain within the bounds of their own comfort zones (inside their own boxes), I’m a rare breed and often identified as a black sheep.

    But hey, it is what it is. There’s much more to life than working for a paycheck that’s a fraction of what the boss or bosses make, which is probably a fraction of what the entire company makes. But that’s just me.

    Always a dreamer and achiever, never a grunt on someone else’s time, as so we’re taught in the OH-WV-PA Tri-State Area.

    • Hello Todd,

      Awesome, go go go and show us your dream, once you reached it, we will come and investigate making sure no aliens are trying to get to your wealth.

      Have a wealthy life.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  5. Thank you very much for your fantastic website.

    It is amazing that you show people where to start and what steps to make towards their proper understanding of the process of effective learning and its value for everyone. I hope more people will know about your website and follow your guidance.

    Kind regards,

    • Hi Andrey,

      It is always a pleasure to hear from our fans and new readers we are able to add value and fun to your life. We will always do our best to give you the best out there to entertain you and teach you all along.

      Pass the word, spread the love!

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  6. Hi Joker,

    I am a self learning addict, I always look for online courses and things that I can learn by myself.

    I love your article, it is very helpful and useful for people like me. Your superb work worth sharing with others.

    • Hi Sarah,

      That is great to hear, you have truly identified yourself. Sharing is caring! We are here for mankind to serve and bring the best out there all in an entertaining way. When we have fun we learn much faster and we will also be able to remember. Learning should be fun.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  7. You know, unfortunately I grew up in an environment to just do what I was told and not really to think for myself. It’s a hard habit to get rid of but slowly I’m removing that, slowly I’m no longer taking the aliens BS anymore, and starting to see all the possibilities that are out there if I just simply give it my all.

    Many say people are born leaders as it’s in the family blood, I say screw that. I’m hitting the reset button on my life so to speak. I’m absorbing everything around me and learning so much, no alien can stop me from succeeding now.

    P.S. I’ve always wondered why your profile picture was of an alien spacecraft!

    • Hello Nate,

      I think many of us from that period of time were in the same boat as you. The newer generations, especially the last one, have so much choice now and it is so much easier to get in touch with all the people in the world, all together sharing knowledge on a place called the internet. Our electronic devices allow us to communicate and exchange information within seconds. All that we can call a real technological revolution.

      It is really amazing to see how our world has changed so far and the next big change is just at our doorstep. Alien technology and aliens are for real, if you just think about the spores, bacteria and viruses that are circulating our earth in space, when they fall down, we can call those alien life forms as they are not from earth. If we know that, than we can also assume that bigger alien life forms are possible too.

      We know for sure they are in our parallel universe on our planet Wealthy Earth, so is it not much likely on your Earth this would be the same? Something to research and to learn more about it. Keep watch over our newspaper so you may learn a few new things about that from our and your Earth too.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  8. I am a self learner. I have learned almost everything and every skills own my own. Thanks goodness for the internet that have made everything simple to learn.

    Based on my understanding of this article, I think aliens are obstacles or distracting and get us away from our goals, while we are preparing for something good in life. 

  9. At first, I didn’t know what to think about the article.  With all the aliens, it took me off guard and I didn’t know where to turn.  LOL.  Actually, it was very entertaining and I wanted to stay with the article to find out what was going on.  It was cleverly written and funny at the same time.  I couldn’t put it down and I don’t believe anyone would after reading the introduction.  You have quite an imagination.  

    But I liked how you discussed the five different learners.  It was well thought out and it explains many different types of people in different learning stages.  I believe or I hope that I am a little of all of them.  

    Your article is very interesting not to mention, informative.  The article was well thought out and right to the point.  You did a great job!

  10. This is a great post.

    The Self Learning Autodidact is finally defined. Thanks for your thorough research and informative, yet hilarious post.

    Love it!


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