‘9 Minutes’ Presented by DUST a Shocking Experience?
Watch this tense science fiction thriller set in the middle of the desert. A man and his dog are visited by aliens. The encounter is happening all the sudden, unexpected and terrifying. As the man will discover, something happened to his dog. What will the man do to move on with his life and business? Will it be the same? Or will it have a sudden change?
Cinema is ready, we are sitting all here and waiting to get our popcorn. Dr. Fard built a popcorn supply machine for us. It makes noiseless popcorn by command in another room. Everyone has a screen in front of them, which you can pull up to order your popcorn.

You press the popcorn of your choice and 10 minutes later through a pipe system the popcorn is delivered in the popcorn delivery place, which is on our left. A special popcorn holder is ready to receive the popcorn. We took the biggest carton buckets fitting this holder, we could get, yummy.
Wow Dr. Fard made a really cool machine this time. McTeddy asked when the movie will start and I said after we got our popcorn. McTeddy got bored to wait as everyone was chit chatting together and left him out somehow. So he climbed from Moony’s (Agent Moonwalker) shoulder and ran towards the delivery place. He climbed up to the pipes.
While he walked on one of the pipes he could oversee the whole cinema room as all of the sudden something fell on his head and crawled in front of his nose. “Oh no what was that.” McTeddy was thinking, “aaaarghhhh” McTeddy got in a shock as a horrific creature got in front of him. Was it an alien? The deep dark eyes looked at McTeddy and McTeddy looked back like, “get off me you ugly alien bug.”

The Creature
“Hiss hiss zzzummzzzaaak!”
McTeddy started to feel unwell as all the sudden he realized this creature was trying to hypnotize him. He lost his balance and almost fell from the pipes. Laying on one of the pipes it looked like the creature was ready to jump on McTeddy, so he quickly got up and started running away, just in time as the creature didn’t wait any longer to make its move.
McTeddy ran towards the popcorn room and while he ran he looked back over his shoulder seeing the creature running behind him with only one goal, to get McTeddy and eat him. While McTeddy ran for his life, he probably knows by now why he is the fastest running teddy bear on our Planet! Arrived at the end of the pipes, to get to the next room, he had to crawl through the wall, he got so lucky as he just fitted to go through.
He got into the next room. Standing there, thinking what to do next, he knew he had not much time. He followed the pipe and it lead to a huge machine pushing up the popcorns. He was able to look through the transparent floor and saw the popcorn being sucked up and pushed through the pipes.
“Ah”, thought McTeddy, “this is the way the popcorn gets delivered.” Then he heard a scraping noise coming from behind him and he saw how the creature was trying to find its way through the wall, it made noises like “skreeek zumzaa zumzzaa shreek”.
McTeddy felt how his arms started to get paralyzed, he lost any kind of feeling, so his arms were just hanging on his body. He knew he had not much time left, he looked at the machine and saw the fresh baked popcorn and just at that moment the creature broke through the wall and started to run towards McTeddy, who just jumped in the last moment.

Plop, he fell into the popcorn. He thought “actually not bad at all, hmm yummy there are Joker’s chocolate popcorn, let me do some test eating, yummy yummy more more more….”. Then he looked up and saw the creature standing there looking at him. Before McTeddy could notice, he got sucked up into the air-stream together with the popcorn into the pipes. On his way there, he securely passed the creature safely behind the transparent floor. McTeddy smiled and waved at the creature, who followed him with it’s dark creepy eyes. McTeddy luckily escaped!
Feeling how he got pushed through the pipe, he wondered in which popcorn bucket he would land. Plop, he landed and he heard how the others were coming to get their buckets. I took my bucket, but hey what was that? Where are all my chocolate popcorn? The half is missing, I knew it, Dr. Fard built an unreliable popcorn machine. So I went to Dr. Fard to file a complaint.
The Joker
“What the, where is all my chocolate popcorn? You said you built a 100% reliable machine and I allowed you to change our cinema for that! Is this another so called revolutionary machine of yours, that seems to malfunction? Do I need to get worried of exploding and flying pieces around our heads, for a 3D cinema live experience?”
Dr Fard
“Impossible, the machine was tested several times, before I approved the final certification of my new invention. It works flawlessly, maybe you lost your popcorn walking back to your seat. Or you only ordered half of them….”
Moony said that the movie was going to start at any moment and we should stop bickering, so we decided to sit down and to talk about it after the movie.
Moony sat down and grabbed her popcorn as she felt something moving and it was like, what the hell, and she quickly pulled her hand out of her bucket, it was so creepy. Then all the sudden she felt her popcorn bucket vibrating.
Then McTeddy popped up from her bucket and yelled
Moony’s first reaction yelling
“McTeeeeeedyyyy, what are you doing inside my popcorn bucket and how did you get there?”
Everyone looked shocked and then started to laugh, it was so funny.
“I love you all! I escaped, I was almost eaten by a huge big jumping alien creature and it had red laser eyes and huge claws, it tried to hypnotize me, luckily I escaped”
“That was the most hilarious and fantasy answer you ever gave to me, to escape your fate for messing up with my popcorn hahaha, no worries come sit with me and let’s watch the movie shall we? Btw why is your mouth brown?”
“But it is true, look for yourself it is in the room of the popcorn machine right now. Me brown? Teddy Bears are brown, didn’t you know?”
We told McTeddy to be quiet and we will listen to his story after this movie. Everyone is ready to watch this suspense movie, come watch with us and find out what will happen.
The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate
I have to say that not being a sci fi lover, I enjoyed this short video. I did watch it with earphones on and it added to the experience as it made it more intense.
I would love to stay where he was staying minus the aliens. Loved the big pool he had, it looked very inviting.
I was sad at the thought that the poor dog was a goner so was so delighted to see him come too and be ok again.
Loved your story about McTeddy and can see he is going to get into some scrapes as time goes on lol.
Thanks for such a great article and look forward to reading lots more.
Hi Cheryl,
Now you got an extra answer from me, as I clicked on the wrong reply. So I send you many chocolates and a hot coffee to you and am looking forward to see you back soon.
The Joker, Editor in Chief
Hello Cheryl,
How so did you had a better experience with a headset? Pump up the volume? In our cinema we have voluminous speakers of several thousands of watt. Now that is what we call an experience, you can even use them to dry your hair, feel free to test them one day with us.
Yes the dog came back, but was the dog still himself or was there something more going on?
Oh McTeddy, yes he is here and says hello to you. He said to be careful when you walk in our cinema by your own. There is a strange and dangerous creature crawling around looking for food.
Glad to hear you liked the story Cheryl. Check out our other videos. We bring you only the best for your entertainment.
The Joker, Editor in Chief
Hello Joker,
Do you always talk to yourself?
Eh, did I? 😉
The Joker, Editor in Chief
Well, unlike Cheryl, I am a science fiction fan, both in print and on film. I really enjoyed the 9 Minutes film and yes, the actor’s dog was changed by the aliens. There’s no way of knowing, at this time, how much.
I have to admit, I had to turn down the system volume near the end, as it was getting just too loud!!
Your story is also really good and it has the potential of being a lot better. I think, since the story was written in the midst of the web site development (not to mention troubleshooting its glitche), it deserves a major re-write. That would make it much more readable by the vast English-speaking audience TDWA serves.
Hope this helps, Joker!
Hello McWord,
Thank you for reading my post. We love scifi and like to share all the good ones with you.
Many of our articles were written a while ago in preparation to launch the novel newspaper as a newspaper. A newspaper with just several blogs is not a newspaper right? So after we wrote our stories and edited several of them for improvement, we concentrated ourselves on the design, feel and functionality.
We felt the moment was come to introduce ourselves to the big world out there and we know we still have a long road in front of us, to improve our novel newspaper presenting stories in better quality, offer more services and also bring you educational content, reviews and other topics that surely will help you readers out there.
We are looking forward to your suggestions, whatever we can do to improve for you our fans and readers, we will follow up on.
Thank you and see you back soon for another turbulent movie and story.
The Joker, Editor in Chief
The film was suspenseful and a cliffhanger since there is no indication of what happened to the dog. Strange as the man acts like “Life is back to usual” after the dog returns from whatever experience he had. There is no question about leaving the place. McTeddy is funny. He probably is always getting himself into all sorts of trouble. He must be somewhere between a pet a mischievous alien child or child-like alien.
Hello M. Tidbury,
Thank you so much for reading our article and watching the movie. From what we can see, the dog died and came back to live, but looked the world through different electronic eyes. As with every short scifi movie, the end should give us thinking.
McTeddy is like a little kid, but a special one, who loves to have fun and wants to be cuddled all day long. He always wants to have attention otherwise he knows what needs to be done to get yours. More fun coming up in future stories with McTeddy and other funny characters.
The Joker, Editor in Chief
Cool video! Is this made by yourself? That was pretty sad when I thought the dog was dead!!
It’s a great way to have a website laid out, very easy to follow and the paragraphs are nice a short to read.
The cinema looks very cool too would love to try out a film there!
Thanks for sharing
Hello Mike,
Thank you for your compliments.
We do reviews of independent film makers and if we found a movie worthwhile we present them here for you. We are not in the film making yet, but one day we will and then we will invite you to watch the latest movies in our own cinema.
The Joker, Editor in Chief