How To Realize My Dream?

Is it possible for us to fly? Co-Edited by The Joker, Editor in Chief

Chase your dreams and discover how to realize my dreams
Dare to dream and you will find how to realize my dream.

How To Realize My Dream? You Have a Dream?

If you said yes, then congratulations, it means the door is open for you to learn how to realize your dream! Do you know that many people couldn’t answer this question, because they do not have a dream. You are ahead of most people.

The next question then is, have you ever asked yourself, “Can we realize our dreams?”

Having dreams about our future is important, so how then you may ask? From young age on all of us have had envisioned our future life. Do you remember your teacher’s question, who you would like to be in the future? I want to be a:

  • doctor (Doctor Who? Dr. Fard?)
  • a Rock Star (I will be rich and play music all day)
  • a Businessman (I will be rich too)
  • a Professor (I will invent the most craziest things, ask Dr. Fard for more details)
  • an Alien (who me?)
  • a Troll (trolls exist, they are everywhere, pestering you for life or digging tunnels)
  • a Troll hunter (taking down trolls like a sheriff)
  • a Novelist (guess what? continue reading)
  • an Elf (wait we never saw one)
  • a Hero (I will save many people and everyone will love me)
  • a Foe (I will conquer the world and all people will be afraid of me)
  • no One (*)

* since no one is no one, we could say no one is not existing, therefore no one has no description either (remove that *)

How To Realize My Dream?
Everyone wonders how to realize my dream, your dream, everyone’s dream.

Nowadays many of us have forgotten those dreams. As a grown up we are like programmed robots doing our day to day routines, without realizing what we do and if it is the life we always wanted.

So how to realize my dream then? What is stopping us from doing so?

There is Lilil, the alien, and its minions, who have gotten into our minds as beings controlling our minds and feeding from our fears. Read on and find out what you can do to fight Lilil and find your true self in life.

Can We Realize Our Dream? How To Realize My Dream?

You know, your little evil alien has done it again. It tied many small chains around your feet. They feel heavy and are a hassle to break, but it is not impossible. You just have to start pulling your feet apart and with enough strength, you will be able to free yourself.

So, if it sounds so easy, why are you unable to break yourself free from these chains?

  • You are afraid you will hurt your feet
  • You are afraid you will hurt your little evil alien
  • You are afraid your little evil alien will use stronger chains next time
  • You feel comfortable enough with your current chains. After all, they are not interfering with your daily busy life.

And as time goes by, your little evil alien sees how you are not taking any action to free yourself form your chains that are holding you back. The fact you are not doing anything about it and seeing no action from you, your chains will start getting thicker day by day.

Your chain gets longer over time, a link here and a link there, it is growing and getting bigger the longer you wait. This is how you bind yourself to your daily routine and not living your dream.

Slowly you lose all thinking of breaking free. Until you get so slow that you are just staying in the same spot each and every day.

How to Realize My Dream? I Need to Dream Again!

Hold on to your dreams and know how to realize them.
Dreams are as fine as sand but you can still hold on and realize them.

Sometimes you remember the times when you are able to walk freely and you thought, what if I just wield a huge hammer and start hammering at the chains?

After the big drastic event, there might still be someone or something dragging you, but maybe you can start walking faster after that, without all that weight on you. You might even one day be able to leave them completely behind you, sprout your wings and soar away.

How to Realize My dream? Is it Possible for Me to Fly?

You do not need feet, nor wings, nor passport nor visas. Just break away and let your mind free.

Your mind is holding you down. The little evil alien vanishes once you realized that. And you have successfully banished life’s inhibitions on you.

Do the impossible by starting to think about the impossible.

If you can start imagining, you can carve out a path to reach your destination. You may even find signposts along the way. Something you have never noticed because we humans only see what we want to see.

How to Realize My dream
Step for step, How to Realize My dream is to be consistent in what you do.

Finally How to Realize Dreams How to Realize My dream!

If our minds are closed, our eyes are shut. The eyes can only see, because the mind wants too. If the mind is actively seeking answers, you will see answers pop up everywhere. Wait I see The Joker…. hah I am above 500 words, no nagging from him today.

Where were we? Ah. Once you start your imagination, some sort of journey has started and wheels start to turn. You have created a magnetic field around you which attracts the people and things you are looking for. Within the magnetic field, you find it easier to find the things you want.

Yet because of this huge force around you, you will be having more difficulties than ever. You need to put all your strength, all your purpose and concentration to keep yourself on your path.

Because there will be distractions (did I mention The Joker?). There will be other shiny objects falling onto your path, enticing you onto other paths.

Overcome all obstacles

You need to use your discerning power to decide whether these shiny objects are worth it pursuing. Would they lead you to a wider smoother path which lets you reach your destination much faster?

Or would these eventually be dead ends and you have to fight your way back again. And these would be the tide, because you have wandered too far off.

Open your heart and listen. Return to the initial goals again.


Agent Moonwalker, Special Agent Reporter of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate


  1. I do believe that our minds hold us back and are creating chains that keep us from achieving dreams. The mind has to be released and then the body will follow. How do we begin this process when it’s so much easier to stay in this bad routine? A routine that has become a life pattern.

  2. Will the shiny objects lead me to my destination or to a dead end and have to fight my way back? wow! this is a great question.
    and yes I want that evil little Alien to vanish so I can reach my full potential.

    Another great Article, thank you so much.

    • *blink* and it’s gone, wisdom will tell you whether it’s your destination or dead end. The question, first and foremost is, are you chasing your dream? If you are not chasing, there is no chance of realizing your dream. Chase the wrong course and who knows, maybe you are onto something else. Are you willing to take the chance? Do not let any evil alien block your way. Go for it.

  3. Reaching success can never be easy. For that, you have to stay focused on attaining your goals.

    Do you know what a dream is? It is the succession of sensations. It is the aspiration that a person wants to turn into reality. From my slant, dreaming is a meaningful process, irrespective of the outcome. By realizing your dream, you can strengthen your connection to the inherent foibles such as courage, self-regard, curiosity, and inner freedom and introspection.

    After realization, you can allow your life to be creative. Make sure that you are going with the current, as staying up to the minute will help you to create a life that you have envisioned before.

    • Hi Noe,

      Agent Moonwalker is currently playing with moonrocks, an experiment of self concentration as she calls it. After that she will be back here to give you her opinion to your answer.

      You hit the nail, staying focused and hold on to your dream, that is not always easy, especially if things happen that hold you back, removing these obstacles and holding course is what we must initiate and with that said never give up and we will get there, one way or another.

      While we hold on and work towards our dream, we start to self develop ourselves, we widen our horizon, learn about life and the important things that matter to us. Life is a learning experience.

      Creativity is an ace in our assortment, as it connects us closer to our dream and therefore so important to let our fantasy go free and try out new things.

      And the day will come that you can look back to your journey reaching the dream you always wanted to have.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief


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