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Robocarl’s Things Ask First Date!

Robocarl imagines how a first dinner date could look like.
Dating Advice for Shy Robocarl Things Ask First Date! Robocarl finally worked up enough courage to ask Supatra out for a date. Over the past week, he had been giving himself pep talks. McTeddy gave Robocarl that last push to give his love life a...

Exercises I Can Do My Desk!

Multitasking is like exercising I can do my desk.
Dear Exercises I Can Do My Desk Today! What is this all about you may think? It has all to do with multitasking. I have come across books both for and against multitasking and I can still not do much with it. Does multitasking work for...

Beard Styles Men Trolling!

Troll your beard no matter what form it has.
Welcome to today's seminar about Beard Styles Men Trolling here at the Campus of the Wealthy Affiliate University! You are just in time to participate, please take a seat and read the disclaimer on your chair, there is still time to leave this seminar. Disclaimer: This...

What Does Conform Mean To Your Life?

What Does Conform Mean, Follow The Latest Trends? Latest trends? What latest trends? Oh you mean the trend of Dr. Fard going on a chocolate tour, my chocolates for that speaking. Yeah remember my last article, where I wrote about How To Write a Good Blog Post! He...
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Daily good health tips that can easily be used in your busy day

Good Health Tips from Ancient Chinese!

Good Health Tips from Ancient Chinese Dear readers, Today I will share with you some good health tips I learned from the Ancient Chinese, which also does enhance your sex life. It was taught to me...

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