How to be a creative person
Create with love, everyday, that's how to be a creative person

Do Something Creative Everyday! How To Be a Creative Person?

Just like an athlete who needs to train everyday, to learn how to be a creative person, you need to do something creative everyday. Creativity is a muscle that needs to be constantly stretched.

In the morning when I arrive at work, I meet Aitor in the fitness room and we do stretching exercises together. Yes we have a fitness room here and The Joker wants us to make use of it, whenever we feel we need it.

He believes it is good for body and soul, I believe that is true. I wish everyone here would do this in the morning, Dr. Fard is never here and when I ask him he always comes up with his excuse he is too busy with his experiments. Well at least he has Monster, giving him the running exercises on a daily base, smile.

Learn How To Be a Creative Person
In this article I will teach you what you need to do to be a creative person.

Become a Creative Person!

How can we do this? Simple, keep writing, drawing, molding, painting. Whatever form you choose, your creativity takes place. Just keep doing this every day. Every single day and if  you have no inspiration to become creative, just visit The Daily Wealthy Affiliate Novel Newspaper and read our posts. You will be amazed how good it is for you.

Everyday you create something new. At the end of one month, you will have so many creative creations that you can pick out the best ones you like and present them to remind yourself that you are an amazing artist.

As usual we look at our creations we will see some may be good, some may be average and yet some may be so horrible that you just want to throw up by looking at them. Well at least I see that sometimes happening in Dr. Fard’s office, when the cleaning lady has to come in to clean up, you won’t believe how often she is here.

Or are these Dr. Fard’s excuses so she comes in his office to have a nice talk with him? Nah he is in love with Aaila, is he? It looks like that. Coming back to your creations, never throw them away, not even the worst ones. Why? All your work of creations are born out of some inspiration or musings.

Keep your drafts and remember the initial feelings you have when creating them. There is some driving force behind our work, which we shouldn’t discourage. That driving force is what keeps us moving. Forward, backwards, sideways, it does not matter.

As long as we are moving. Just because the outcome did not turn out well, does not mean that the journey is not enjoyable nor memorable. And if we keep at it, who knows what kind of result we will get. What kind of creative work can we come up with next?

If you create 100 pieces, maybe only 20 of them might be good. Keep this up and the absolute number will increase. No joke. 20% is a pretty high percentage and success rate.

So create everyday. Take the storm by numbers.

Steampunk and Learn How To Be a Creative Person!
There are many ways to learn how to be a creative person, Steampunk is one of them.

How to take your creativity to the next level?

Now that you have learned how to be a creative person, you will be thinking of doing more. Move upwards always. Bring your creativity to the next level.

First start off by being more productive. Decrease the amount of time and effort spent on it, but increase the output. Keep increasing the absolute number at an increasing rate. You will be tripling the amount of your work.

After several weeks of creating, do the opposite. Increase the time and effort, but reduce the output. Think of ways to improve the quality of your work. It’s time to do some research. Use better tools maybe. Outsource some non-vital parts. Get a professional critic if necessary.

Once your quality has improved to your satisfaction, repeat the first step again.

Creativity is not only based on inspiration alone. Certainly some talent may help, but hard work, study and practice goes a long way towards cultivating creativity too.

Start creating your work on a regular base. Let’s say you commit a time everyday and you keep this up for 3 months.

After that, there will come a time when you see a change. You might have been creating the same amount of work. Suddenly one day you get a breakthrough. Either the quality of your work increases or maybe you become more productive.

Your creativity goes to a totally new level. That’s when you experience exponential development.


Agent Moonwalker, Special Agent Reporter of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate


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