Exercises I Can Do My Desk!

Co-edited by The Joker, Editor in Chief

Multitasking is like exercising I can do my desk.
Exercises I Can Do My Desk! Multitasking.

Dear Exercises I Can Do My Desk Today!

What is this all about you may think? It has all to do with multitasking. I have come across books both for and against multitasking and I can still not do much with it.

Does multitasking work for you? I would die of boredom not exercising multitasking. Not for The Joker, he is like doing one thing at a time. He says it has to do with enjoying life. Well I get his point when he is eating chocolates.

Multitasking Is Fun!

Multitasking to get more done, but works not for all.
Multitasking is my thing, how about you?

On my day of taking exams, I was still trying to study and playing games at the same time. I would have a few screens open and would constantly switch from window to window. Here in the office it is not different. On my request to get a second screen for work, Joker welcomed my idea and I got one on the spot. Better I do not tell him it is for entertaining too.

Did you know there are some people who swear that they have to listen to music while they work? I swear that music kills my concentration, when I am working. However, I need to do other things while I work to get my relief of distraction. Isn’t that strange?

Same with Robocarl, he is like me and the first time he said:

“One Man’s Supersteak is One Man’s Poison”

I did not exactly understand what he meant, but since his turbulent adventure with his Supersteak I do. So what fits for one might not fit for another. There is no one-size fit for all strategies.

Experiment Exercises I Can Do My Desk!

Some are more productive with a clean office desk.
Will you be more productive with a clean office desk?

Let’s say we do a small experiment. We ask 10 people whether they have an organized or a cluttered desk and you will probably get a half-half ratio. If the cleanliness of a desk indicates the best environment each person works on, then the experiment above shows that a person with an organized desk is just as productive as one with a cluttered desk. Does this make any sense to you?

Instead of reading about how to be more productive or how to be more organized, why don’t we examine our habits and surroundings? Have a look at McTeddy, he is just doing what he likes and doesn’t listen too much to us, but he still gets his job done. So we should look at ourselves and do what works best for us. Then we design our lives around our strengths and weaknesses.

How to Organize when Chaos Is Your Friend?

A messy desk is all you want to be productive and creative.
Will a messy desk spur your creativity and productivity?

How to keep yourself organized among chaos? It is the natural order for things to become messy over time. I, for one, have the messiest desk ever. No amount of planning, list-keeping, head-banging, note-sticking ever works to keep my desk clean.

The Joker never complaints as he says it is alright as long as I do my job and that I will have to live in it. Well it looks like we all have a hand in this, not just I, but also Dr. Fard and Joker know what chaos means.

I used to fret on reading things like “Tidy your desk at the end of the workday!”, “Keep things organized in boxes and compartments!”. The suggestions are all good but it does not stick in my head. I feel like I need someone to re-program my brain code or something. You know, the problem with trying too hard is you often achieve what you strive for, but not what you aim for.

Perhaps Dr. Fard has an idea, till then I better read about the 80/20 principle and tell myself: Exercises, I can do my desk!


Agent Moonwalker, Special Agent Reporter of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate


  1. This is a really interesting post! I personally love to listen to music whilst I’m working, however the type of music I listen to is dependent on the work. If I’m doing a menial task that is more based on repetition than creativity, I can listen to any kind of music. However if I’m trying to write or create something, I tend to listen to music without lyrics, as the lyrics distract me from my writing. Does that make sense? But as you say, it’s different for everyone! Thanks for sharing. 

    • Hi Benji,

      Agent Moonwalker must be on the moon with her thoughts, as I noted she did not reply to your comment here. From my experience, I can do both, working with music and without. I think it very much depends on what you do, how much concentration is needed as sometimes a good tune can take away a part of that extra attention you need to do that task perfectly. So when I really need to concentrate on something important, or when I am working out new ideas, I turn off the music. Otherwise music lets me do things faster.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  2. I can relate to this article in many way,  as I am sure so can the masses!

    Just love listening to my favourite music when I work, it helps me to get into the zone of what I am doing but i get that it can be a distraction to some.

    My last job I did a mixture of home and office based, my home desk looked like a bomb had hot it permanently but my office desk was always spotless, so i guess i am naturally a 50/50 haha!

    • Hi Dianne,

      Agent Moonwalker has moondreams and is not on planet Wealthy Earth with her thoughts, otherwise she would have replied here.

      Music can spur you up to do things faster and with more fun, depending in what you do and yes it varies from person to person.

      Perhaps we can say the look of your desk is the look of your brain? So both needs to be in harmony to work to your fullest potential. Yeah we all are different wired, that brings me to the question: how far is Dr Fard with examining the brain of the Supersteak alien. How do brains of aliens work. Are aliens having cluttered desks too?

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  3. This is a post I can totally relate with because doing what I have been doing for many years has definitely taught me to multitask, otherwise, there will be a lot of tasks that will be left undone at the end of the day. But while me and some colleagues do multitasking on significant tasks in the workforce, there are a few of us who also do multitasking, that is,  listening to music and working, ha ha! They claim that they work better while listening to music. I just wish they would use headphones because not everyone can focus on their work with music.

    Anyway, I like your idea of experiment exercises on your desk. You say you’re a messy person; I’d say I’m a neat-freak. So you can picture out what my desk looks like, lol. But hey, if you work better with a messy desk, that’s fine with me. After all, we each need to create an environment that would allow us to give our best performance. 

    Thanks for an interesting read.

    • Hi Alice,

      Agent Moonwalker is in dreammoonland, it must be, she did not reply to your comment, after my comment here I will have a reason to start a paper ball fight with her heheheh….

      I do multitasking too, but not for everything. If I need to concentrate, I first finish that task. But if I need to clean up my home, I multitask that works great, especially with some funky music.

      My desk knows all forms by now, sometimes it is messy and on other days it has a clean slate. It all depends in what I need to do or when I need more space for coffee and cookies, yummy.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  4. Well it depends on what I am doing if I can multitask or not! We are all different and that is why school doesn’t apply for everybody. Not all of us have the stamina to sit still for 8 hours a day. Not all minds think alike. Creative minds need more stimulation and others well they need rules and organisation. 

    • Hi Pet,

      Agent Moonwalker must be still on the moon, so let me reply here for her.

      Sitting still for such a long time is never gonna have a positive effect on you. We need to make breaks inbetween, for the sake of our body and soul, and that in return will even benefit our workflow as it will feel like a fresh start for the next task.

      Everyone is different, we can learn what works best for us and learn and adapt to be more productive.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  5. Hi,

    Impressive physical exercise of the young man in the photo. I am also not very organized in my work desk but I respect those who are. 

    Due to the large number of hours I am in front of my computer sitting did during the week physical exercises that help me a lot.

    Very interesting post, Congratulations!


    • Hi Claudio,

      As Agent Moonwalker must have her moon thoughts, distracted by her moon rocks, it must be one of the reasons she is not here to read and comment to your reply.

      I will tell Agent Moonwalker to do more exercises on her desk, who knows it may work….

      Thanks for the tip.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  6. Many at times something like this  keep us more organised even in the midst of chao.This made me remember when I was working with a manufacturing company whereby I always got tired getting back home to even put my primary goals in order..I always had a messed up day until one day I was able to sit right and put some thing down like what I happily find on this website today  

    Below you’ll find nine expert tips that really helped me  start organizing my space and keep it organized.Define what organization means for you. …Start with what motivates you. …Create an organizing playlist. …Create deadlines. …Get it out of your house. …Avoid being a “weekend warrior.” …Be mindful of new things. …Honestly , these are just an ice berg of what I have benefitted on this great website

    • Hi there,

      Agent Moonwalker is playing with her moonrocks as it looks as I have not seen her yet to reply to your comment.

      Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We are all here to learn and that is one of our prime directives in our newspaper, to teach you, to help you, to give you education and information you seek to improve your life. All in a funny and entertaining way and along you can follow our adventures like a real storybook.

      Those nine expert tips are really awesome. I will put them on Moony first thing tomorrow, so she will be able to remember that she has to do her comments section too hahaha lol that will be funny to see how she will manage and improve.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  7. Hey friend,

    I was really enjoying and following through this article. You’re definitely right and I do agree with you, that we all have our weaknesses and strength. Also, what may work well for one person may net be the best for another.

    I for instance, can listen to music while working and can work productively with NO problems at all. But that may not work for another person, as he may feel he is being distracted.

    Also, someone may not feel comfortable working on a messy desk. But another person may see it as being normal with No problem at all. So, indeed, we all need to see what works best for us and follow suit.

    Thanks a lot for sharing this well prepared article  with us.


    • Hi Stephen,

      Agent Moonwalker’s weakness is to play with moonrocks and forget that she has other tasks at hand. I wonder what is so special about her moonrocks that she plays with them so much. Hmm I will give her a task to write about that, let’s see what comes out of that.

      Then I will tell her to write the first part with and the second part without music. Then look at the end result if there is a difference in quality. Let’s call it the Moonrock Experiment Article.

      And while she is writing, I will throw many paper balls on her desk, so it will get messy….

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

    • Hi Adam,

      Agent Moonwalker is on a Moontrip with Commander McKearns collecting Moonrocks. Fard Industries ran out of stock. Ones she returns she will answer to your reply here.

      Yeah my desk looks like that for now, but once McTeddy is ravaging, you should come back and then have a look.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  8. This was so fun to read, well done. as for me, l cannot multitask to save my life, l do one thing at a time, I do however listen to music while working.
    And I am ashamed to admit that my desk is kinda messy, the mess makes me think I am working hard (I know crazy) anyway, thank you for putting out such good content.

    • Hi Rose,

      Great to hear you like the article, if Moony would be here, she could read the many fans she has by now who are happy with her articles…

      I love both messy and non messy desks, it spurs my creative mind.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  9. I literally cannot work and listen to music at the same time.

    However, I do sometimes break up my computer work with exercise – feet-up-on-chair-pushups work well I’ve found.

    • Hi Dan,

      What about a workout? Are you doing that with or without music. Music can put you in the rhythm of your exercises, well at least that works for me.

      That is a cool exercise, let’s try that out too.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  10. I am a messy desk person myself. Although, I confess, I am much more productive when listening to music at work. I think it helps me relax and do what flows naturally.

    Thinking about exercises at my desk – does sitting on a yoga ball count? Bouncing occasionally is definitely exercise. Whatever works for the individual, right? And I do think we all work differently, just as we all learn/study differently.

    Funny take on work habits, thanks for the chuckle!

    • Hi Kelly,

      I think any kind of movement at your desk counts as exercise. It all depends on the body parts you want to train. I do many arm movements and hand lifting with my coffeecup…

      At your service, glad to hear you love our way of entertaining and teaching.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  11. Well, I get your points. It depends on what works best for the individual. Being multitasking on one goal, I think, is more effective than trying to multitasking on different things at the same time.

    • Hi Ayebogbon,

      One goal at a time for specific tasks and multitasking on several for general tasks works best for me.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  12. Is there a difference between multi tasking and scatter brain? I cannot decided which way to go…..
    If I want to I can block out all noises like music, trains going by, people talking ect and be on my little island alone doing what I have to do … but lately there has to be dead silence for me too for my training. I wonder why?
    Exercising is another topic all together.

    Bush Lady.

    • Hello Stella,

      Do you have a scattered brain? I am sure Dr Fard likes to invite you to his lab to investigate. Maybe you are an ancient or of alien origin. That will interesting to find out and it will help you to find out why you are scattered, it might be completely normal and who knows what special abilities that will give you.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  13. Your article was fun to read. It kept me entertained.

    I am a combination of both. While I am working, my desk is messy, but I need to clean it up before I leave for the day. That sometimes means that I just pile up the mess, but at least it looks better.

    Thanks for the fun article.

    • Hi Tom,

      Thanks, glad to hear you liked it. Fun is the best way of learning, no matter what you do. Implement some more fun in your life and you will even experience more happiness.

      I see you, here it is a bit the same. Do what you like and works best for you and experiment if you are more or less creative and productive with or without a messy desk.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief


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