What Is What It Is?

Are Tuesdays Better as Mondays? Why Do So Many Aliens Hate Mondays These Days?

McTeddy walks in the park of the Wealthy Affiliate University

Why Is It What Is What It Is Calling Monday a Monday?

Good morning everyone,

It was Monday, the day of days to start our week yesterday and it was the day I started to write this article for you. But a lot happened so I had to change the title and finish for you on Tuesday. It makes no difference concerning my topic I like to talk with you about what is what it is, so let’s continue and replace the Monday’s for Tuesday’s shall we?

What Is What It Is on Tuesday? Intergalactic Secret!

You want to know what is what it is this, intergalactic secret?
An intergalactic secret, what is what it is.

So let’s try this again: it was Tuesday, the day of days to continue our week and called a Tuesday day for the reason it is on Tuesday. That puts me up to the question why do people call Monday a Monday and Tuesday a Tuesday, in a sense of hey it is Monday / Tuesday and I hate Mondays / Tuesdays, getting back to the job, starting a long week with lot’s of work, no fun, weekend is over and there was the fun and and and…. But not here with us at The Daily Wealthy Affiliate novel newspaper, as we love every day that we write for you.

Btw it is Friday now, and no I am not going to explain myself to you, it is late anyway and I press that publish button now or it will never get published. For the explanation it won’t matter as it is just a day like every other day I enjoy, you can leave your comments below if you disagree. That gets me to the following question.

Would you like to enjoy every day of the week too? Then seek no more as soon we will reveal an intergalactic secret with you and publish an exclusive review about a program that will change your lives forever. We use it ourselves and the result is the novel newspaper you are reading now. Everyone can achieve his dreams and we will show you how.

But let’s get back to our what is what it is day, yes and another mystery, I need to get my Tuesday started, or better said, each and every day.

What Is What It Is: The Coffee Disappearance Mystery!

Where did the coffee go? It is all a mystery.
The coffee disappearance mystery, will we find out where the coffee went?

I wanted to start my coffee drinking exercise as usual this morning, well that was the plan, but you know what? Yeah there is none. The coffee disappeared, just like that. So what happened to it, did the coffee get legs and walked away or did someone come in and drink all my coffee the day before yesterday?

Yes you read that right, as it is in time expression the day before yesterday that it happened and now it is today that I finish this article supposed to be ended yesterday. Note you have to put yourself back to the time situation it is Tuesday now, or I must rewrite that whole block. If it is getting too complicated for you, no worries, it was only above sentence.

Let’s get back to our coffee shall we?

Well it was not me drinking all that coffee, I would have known that, was I here to work all day on our newspaper and drink coffee all alone.

Teddy Bear Hero McTeddy.
McTeddy Teddy Bear Hero.

Besides of me, only McTeddy and Zero were here and as far as I know they don’t drink coffee at all. So it must have happened over night or McTeddy was on a ravage tour.

Normally McTeddy would do that if you annoy him, but hey he was on his own, no one to annoy him, or did he annoy himself? Is that even possible?

Where is that little bearweazle anyway? He said he would come in early to meet me in my office. McTeddy wanted to sit with me and see how I write a story for you my fans and readers. It seems like everyone is coming in later and later to work these days….

Meanwhile Somewhere on Meatstreet….

Saussi and Peppi walking on Meatstreet.
This is how Saussi & Peppi see the world when they are walking on Meatstreet.

Saussi & Peppi, our Sausage Heroes are on their way to work.


Look some pretty meatsticks are walking along our way, I wonder what is in those bags, meaty snacks? Let’s go to the newspaper office.

While Saussi and Peppi were walking along Meatstreet, they saw some humans eating sandwiches.


Ha look at that Peppi, humans are so pathetic, just see how they are treating their breakfast. They open their mouth and swallow the whole sandwich in just one or two pieces. Why not just putting it in a mincer, add water to it and drink it down just like that, much easier and faster.


Did we have breakfast at all? I am so hungry. Hmmm you smell so meaty Saussi.

Saussi and Peppi are fighting with each oher. What is what it is.
What is what it is! Saussi & Peppi are often fighting together. Here I caught them in action.


Do not even think of it, don’t touch me…. “bham doing” yeah take that, my arms are not for consumption, nor are my legs. Btw you look like a Green beanstalk today, are you feeling alright?


I feel so unusually hungry and my vision is a bit blurred. Am I sick Saussi? I had such a strange dream last night, I never dream that strong, maybe it was because of McTeddy last Sunday.


McTeddy? What does he have to do with it? What have you both done this time? Can’t I even leave you alone with McTeddy fearing you will tear everything apart? I hope you didn’t annoy The Joker last Sunday, he is already in a bad mood recently, no idea what is going on, so I suggest you better watch your steps.


Well eh, I don’t know, McTeddy said it was ok, so I just had fun with him. He taught me how to defend myself with a slingshot, so I can defend you as well. He said due to a Rat Invasion in England, Dr. Fard has all these new toys in his office for the planned mission we should join, and I needed to pick one. He advised me to try the slingshot so we took one with us for each of us.


Say what? You did what? No let me guess he fired you from his slingshot and now you know how it is to fly around like a bulletsausage?

What Is What It Is! Bullets Need The Peppi!

Bullets or coffee beans? That is the question.
Wait are these not truly coffee beans? Well according to McTeddy and Peppi, they are not!


No not at all, Dr. Fard had mini slingshots especially made for us.

So McTeddy said we needed bullets for the slingshot. Then he said he knew the perfect bullets for that and we went into the kitchen. When we got there, he asked me to get up into the cabinets and that I can do that as I am longer and have longer arms, so he pushed me up from the chair to the kitchen sink and from there I pulled him up and he helped me to get into the cabinet. There was that golden shiny package in the cabinet with little bullets he said and I took it out.

Together we managed to take it down to the floor and carried it to Monster in Dr. Fard’s office, who was sleeping at that time. McTeddy said that Monster will give us a dog ride and he can take the special golden bullets with him, carrying them on his back. I asked him if we will have enough and McTeddy said, should be, but he knows a place where we can find more, so we went back into the kitchen to get those as well.

There was this strange machine on the center of the table in the kitchen. I know as I see Joker going there to get his coffee. We both climbed up and McTeddy got on top of the machine, opening the top door. “Yes” McTeddy said, “here they are!”. He said I should take a plastic bag and he will throw them inside while I hold the bag open.

What Is What It Is! Strange Noisy Machine Eating Attempt McTeddy!

Hey it is a machine using bullets, what is what it is.
A machine using little bullets, can it even get more dangerous?

All was fine, and we got more and more little bullets, then I lost my balance somehow due to the weight of the bag and I just could get a grab on the machine. Then a horrible noise came from the machine and just a second later I heard McTeddy yelling for help. The machine started to do strange things to him. I went up to see what was going on and I saw McTeddy got pulled towards a hole to being eaten together with the bullets inside that machine.

I didn’t hesitate for a second and with my long arms I pulled on his paws trying to get him out of there. The machine made scrunching noises and pulled harder and harder to eat McTeddy. I lost him and I was afraid McTeddy would be eaten. I yelled “McTeeeedyyyyy”.

Then wonder over wonder the machine turned McTeddy in circles and spew him out of there, hahaha what is what it is, looks like McTeddy has a bad taste after all. McTeddy yelled and flew over into the pot of flowers. Yeah I can remember these are Moony’s ones she got from The Joker. McTeddy held on to the flowers and let himself down, pfew that ended well. We looked at the flowers, oh oh, they didn’t look good anymore as all the flower leaves were crushed by McTeddy.

What Is What It Is! Joker’s Taste for Coffee!

A machine that makes juice or coffee? What is what it is.
Is it making a juice or a coffee? What is what it is.

Then the machine stopped eating and I heard another noise starting. The machine gave a kind of juice out of it’s other mouth into a cup. I took the bag with bullets and McTeddy came over to help me. We ran quickly out of the kitchen to Monster. Just in time as The Joker came whistling into the kitchen.

We heard him saying, “Hey someone made me a cup of coffee, great let me add some honey and get back to work, hmm what happened to the flowers I bought for Moony, did she forget to give them water? Let me add some, done, now let’s get back to work.”

What Is What It Is! McTeddy’s Taste for Bullets

What is what it is! A beautiful spot in the park of the Wealthy Affiliate University.
The park at the Wealthy Affiliate University has some beautiful spots.

Now we needed target practicing and McTeddy knew a place where to go to. We woke up Monster, who was glad to join us. Riding on Monster, wow that was so much fun, you should try it for once. We went to the park of the Wealthy Affiliate University. Near the lake there was a place half open with some grassland. Really perfect for target shooting practice and enough place for Monster to run around.

McTeddy showed me how to use the slingshot, it was needed, when I tried it myself I got the stick of the slingshot into my face. McTeddy and Monster were laughing from the fun. I had to laugh as well afterwards.

Then when I opened the golden bullet package, I saw those bullets looked the same as from that strange dangerous machine. They are all Brown? I asked McTeddy why are our bullets not golden, and he said it is called metaphoric and I shouldn’t worry about them, they will just do their job fine.

Finally I learned how to hold the slingshot, the funny thing is, I can add lots of strength to it by using my arms as they are so long and elastically. I tested it one time on McTeddy and I hit him so hard that he got knocked back at least 10 meters, that was so much fun. McTeddy gave all kinds of strange noises from him. He came back and then he instructed me only to use it when I hear the words “Sheriff Emergency” or when evil Blender is in front of my aim.

Then we started all kinds of target practicing games, these were all McTeddy’s ideas. He is very smart for a little bear as he is. Let me explain you all the games we played. Are you still interested?


Yes off course tell me more, tell me all about it!

What Is What It Is! Slingshot Shooting Training Exercise Campus WA!

For young and old, a beautiful slingshot.
A beautiful slingshot for young and old.


Well, we were playing following games:

Shoot The Bear

In this game McTeddy taught me to aim at him with my slingshot and if I hit him it is a point for me, the first one evading or hitting 10 bullets won the game. Yeah I lost off course, McTeddy is such a fast running teddy bear.

Shoot The Peppi

It is the same as in Shoot The Bear, with the difference I was the target, I kept quite good up and saw bullets flying everywhere; between my legs, over my head, under my armpits, but last not least I got hit several times on my body. I need to work on more evading jumping movements.

Distractions Eyes The Peppi! What Is What It Is!

Yummy in the park are meaty delicious meatsticks according to Peppi.
Meaty delicious meatsticks in the park of the Wealthy Affiliate University.


Then McTeddy stopped me from making a huge mistake. This is what happened:


Look McTeddy some delicious meatsticks in the park, I am having a look and walk with them, I just love the look of those hmmm yummy.


Are you out of your mind? No no no, that is extremely dangerous, if they see you they might get shocked or even catch you and then eat you, do your really want that?

And said that McTeddy held Peppi on his arm, so he would not be able to go there.


Uh no, I didn’t think, thank you my friend to stop me and saving me from that mistake, don’t you love meaty meatsticks?


Oh I love them too, once I know they are friendly and cuddle with me, I use them to slide down as they are really smooth and that feels awesome and it is a lot of fun. They even love it when I do that on their meatsticks, that they call legs hihihihi.

I am so glad, McTeddy stopped me from making a huge mistake, he is so smart and he is really a good friend to me. After this we continued with the next game.

Shoot The Monster

In this game we had to aim at Monster and hit him while he was running behind some rabbits. We hit him several times and Monster looked back at us and came then running at us, that is where the next game started:

Run Run Run

Don't shoot coffee beans at Monster, especially when he is in a hunting mood.
Run run run, Monster is angry, don’t shoot coffee beans at him.

Yes you guessed it right, we had to run for our lives while Monster came to catch us. While I ran with McTeddy, he said, “Look this is a very good fitness exercise, good for your legs and great to know how fast you can run to get away with it, especially when you run out of bullets hihihi.” We ran for an hour or so.

The park is beautiful and offers so many beautiful spots. We also saw a meat snack wagon, it smelled delicious. We should go there today and see if we can get some meaty snacks. We also saw some mysterious look alike caves, surely worth investigating. Maybe trolls are living there. The park is so big, there is so much more we did not see as we all got tired and had to take a rest.

Catch The Bullet

Catch the bullet falling from the sky.
Look up and catch the bullet with your mouth.

This was actually a funny game. We had to shoot up into the air and catch the bullets with our mouth. McTeddy was very good at it, too good, because he was catching his like crazy and then he cheated and caught mine too. He was so unbelievably fast. Yeah I lost this game too, but at least I caught some of them.

Backwards Trick Shooting

If you hug your friend in The Wealthy Affiliate University park, watch out for flying coffee beans.
The Park of Wealthy Affiliate offers beautiful spots, where lovers spend their time, watch out for flying coffee beans.

Now this one is tricky, the idea is to shoot backwards in case an enemy is coming from behind. I tried it many times, at first I hit my face and that hurts. Off course McTeddy and Monster were laughing their meaty you know what off. Then I finally managed to shoot over my head or just besides of my head.

McTeddy was much better at it, he had every shot right somehow as I could hear screams coming from behind. Surely he hit someone or something. Then all off a sudden we heard cursing yelling voices coming closer and we thought to go quickly into hiding leaving Monster behind, who just sat there and smiled at the humans looking for a clue who may have shot at them.

We heard them saying, “It came from here, the perpetrator must be somewhere, he can’t disappear in air, oh look what a lovely dog, hey buddy you didn’t see anyone? Nice doggy doggy, let me give you some cuddles. Ok let’s search in the surrounding, if I get that person in my fingers who shot me a coffee bean on my nose!!!….”.

Then after a while the angry humans were gone, pfew thanks to Monster we got saved by lynching humans, they surely would have eaten me alive as a meaty snack.

Monster Attack

The park of the Wealthy Affiliate University offers beautiful sights of the city.
While riding on Monster through the park of the Wealthy Affiliate University you can enjoy the beautiful sights of the city.

Now this game was fun and it is actually teamwork. Me and McTeddy had to ride on Monster and together we started the attack. We steered Monster in the direction of some humans to do a hit and run, while he ran towards them, we tried to shoot them with our bullets.

But then all off a sudden Monster changed course and started to run behind a cat. That was much more difficult as the cat was very fast and jumped on all kinds of objects and Monster tried to keep up. We almost lost our balance otherwise we would have fallen off Monster.


This prairie dog came looking after McTeddy pulled Peppi out of the ground.
After McTeddy pulled Peppi out of the ground a prairie dog came looking.

This is a funny jumping exercise and goal is it to use our slingshot to jump us on normal unreachable heights. Here is how it works. You take a long sprint, you hold your slingshot high with your arms and step in with your feet on the rubber sling at the same time. If your timing is right “djoing” and you jump up into unbelievable heights.

McTeddy got it right from the beginning on. Yeah he surely was training before. Then when I tried I landed upside down and McTeddy had to pull me out of the ground. Then that crazy prairie dog came out of that hole and it was making all kinds of noises. I am happy it didn’t eat me. So you see, it is cool somehow to dive down like that. At first I was yelling as I was falling down all the time. Now I enjoy it and I am training to use it as an attack-jump on enemies.

It works pretty well, because McTeddy got knocked out after I landed on him hahahaha… I will ask Dr. Fard to make me a special helmet in case I miss the enemy and it will protect me from hitting the ground that bad. Then I will have my own special abilities. Jumping on higher objects is somehow however not manageable by me. Maybe I will learn it one day. For now McTeddy can do that. Hey you should try it too.

Look I got my slingshot with me and a bag of bullets. You never know, I always have them on me to guard and protect the innocent.

These were all the games for now and McTeddy will train me on some more games later on. He said I should first train these games and once I am really good at it we can go for the next level. Maybe you want to join us, it is a lot of fun.


Wow that sounds so amazing. But seriously, you ate coffee beans? These are poisonous for us, no wonder you are looking and feeling unwell. The beans make us taste sour and might also cause loss of energy. So next time let McTeddy eat all your bullets. It seems he likes them anyway and it doesn’t harm him neither.


Sounds like a plan, I didn’t know. Hey look over there, Monster and McTeddy are coming. McTeddy is riding Monster like going with the wind.

The Meetup on Meatstreet Square! What Is What It Is!

Not far from The Daily Wealhy Affilliate novel newspaper, is this extension square from Meatstreet.
This extension square of Meatstreet is not far from the park of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate novel newspaper.

Monster and McTeddy came running towards our meaty heroes and when they arrived, McTeddy had a great idea.


Hey Peppi, hey Saussi, good morning. It is great to see you here. We are going for a run through the park of the university as Dr. Fard had no time to let Monster out. Hop on Monster’s back and let’s have a ride together.


Great, let’s have some fun and see what is going on. Can we go to the interesting meat snack stand? I am hungry and according to Saussi, those bullets were bad for me.


Sure, why not. And we got some time anyway as Monster is fast, so we won’t get late enjoying a ride on him.

Our sausage heroes climbed on Monster sitting behind McTeddy and made their way into the park.

Meanwhile at the office of the newspaper…..

Agent Moonwalker

Good morning everyone, how is it going?

The Joker

Oh good morning Moony, did you think you are still on leave? Did you miss your car today or are you having issues with your orientation of time? You are 40 minutes late….

What Is What It Is! Delicious Cake & Coffee in The Morning!

Start your morning with delicious coffee and chocolate cake.
Delicious coffee and chocolate cake, yummy a great way to start your morning.

Agent Moonwalker

Late? Really? Oh my goodness, I see my watch stopped working. No wonder I thought I have all the time in the world and I did some shopping this morning. My car is at home, I gave my android phone to Dr. Fard to check it out as my self driving car did not take the commands from my android phone correctly. So I went by bus.

I enjoyed some chocolate drink at the Moonbucks coffee shop. Here I brought you a big cup off Black coffee with honey as this is how you love it and take this delicious chocolate cake as well.

The Joker

Hmmm alright you are excused, seeing that you brought me a delicious coffee and cake, yummy. You know there is no coffee in the office. All the beans are gone. Do you think aliens discovered the taste for coffee beans?

Agent Moonwalker

Gone? But how? I bought new coffee last week after I noticed a coffee pack was missing. And the machine? Did you drink it all last weekend?

The Joker

Yes, even there are none in the machine, it is very strange. There was enough last weekend. Btw did you pass the office? Someone made me a cup of coffee. That was my last one as I went home afterwards.

Agent Moonwalker

No, I was still on leave, I got better things to do as working in the office during weekends. You know I prefer the missions along my travel, that is much more fun. Did you ask McTeddy? I saw him running around one time while he was chewing on coffee beans.

The Joker

Yeah I got ya, hmmm McTeddy, yeah let’s check him out. He is late btw, I wonder where that bearweazle is. He wanted to join me this morning. I saw Dr. Fard, he was already in the office before me, but he didn’t take Monster and McTeddy with him. Well let’s discuss our work flow for today, shall we?

Agent Moonwalker

Sure let me first have a look at the flowers you gave me, which are in the kitchen. Hey what is that? What happened to my beautiful flowers, they are drained full with water, Joookeeeer what did you do, my poor flowers….

The Joker

Well they were squashed already and I thought it was because they had not enough water so I added some.

Agent Moonwalker

Some? You gave them far too much… well you wait now until I saved them, poor little flowers, yes you hear me my beauties, Joker soaked you wet, no not funny at all….

While Agent Moonwalker took care of her flowers and The Joker watched her nourishing them, our Sausage heroes, Monster and McTeddy arrived at the mysterious meat snack stand…

The Mysterious Meat Snack Stand! What Is What It Is!

Delicious meaty snacks form the mysterious meat snack stand.
The mysterious meat snack stand. Meaty snacks for everyone?

McTeddy pulled Monster’s ears and said

Ho ho ho, stop Monster, we are here and let’s have a closer look at that meaty snack stand. Smells delicious. I wonder what kind of snacks are being made there.

While our heroes walked towards the meaty snack stand, they saw many humans ordering and eating their food.


Hey look, is that a friend of ours, it looks like they sell meaty sausages to eat. Well they can be eaten as they are not alive right?


If they are not alive, they could be Green and brainless zombie sausages, hey Peppi you look a bit like them hihihi…


Whaaaat, no I am not, that is so mean of you, here take a bullet, aim, shoot and tsjakaa hit into your mouth hahaha….


Yummy yummy yum…. hihihi

Yummy Hot Dogs! What Is What It Is!

Just delicious those yummy looking Hot Dogs. Who wants some?
Yummy a delicious Hot Dog, that is what our heroes think too.


No worries Peppi, you are not a sausage zombie and we can eat those sausages too. They are called Hot Dogs and Humans like to imitate us as they know how meaty we are. Those sausages are very good for us. You get many meaty sexy muscles from them. Let’s wait a bit till it is a bit quiet and then we can have a look what they offer, I got several coins from Joker so we can buy some.


Hot Dogs, you mean like Monster? Aaargh no I don’t want to eat dogs, they are so kind to us, how can humans eat dogs?


It is called metaphoric Peppi, these sausages are not made of dogs, it is just how the humans name this kind of sandwich, so don’t worry. Come let’s have a closer look what the humans are eating as well and what else we can get at that meaty snack stand. We can climb into a tree and see things closer and from above.

Our heroes climbed into a tree and Monster kept guard at that tree to make sure our friends are safe. From above they saw all kinds of delicious foods, have a look.

After all the humans left, our heroes decided to have a closer look at that snack stand itself and see if they can get some delicious food for themselves. The person of the snack stand came to the front and said.


Hello hello hello, what do we have here. My name is Leo and I am the owner of this snack stand. Have you made a choice? I have many delicious snacks. Sausages are my specialty. They give meaty powers with the right ingredients and my special formula. Oho you look so meaty too, who are you?


Oh hello Leo, I am McTeddy and that is Saussi and Peppi, our dog is called Monster and he is fast as the wind. What kind of snacks can you recommend me?


Ohoo for delicious sausages you are I can recommend you my sausage specialties called Hot Dogs and for your dog friend take the Black Zombie Burger. It will take a while to make them, so you can wait here or come back later.


Ok, lets go for a walk, you stay here Saussi as you pay for the snacks, we will be over there waiting for you.


Great, yeah see you over there later, take care of Peppi will you?

While Saussi stayed to get the orders, McTeddy, Peppi and Monster went for a walk in the park.

Blend The Sausage! What Is What It Is?

A Black Zombie Burger, looks yummy, will it be as delicious as it looks for Monster?
Yummy, will Monster love this delicious looking Black Zombie Burger?


So this is what I want, A Black Zombie Burger and 3 Hot Dogs then!


Fantastic, good choice. I will start making them right away. Would you like some spice on the Black Zombie Burger?


Without please. Wow you are so lucky to have a snack stand, that is a dream job. So much delicious meaty food, just yummy. Could it be we have met before? I got that feeling I know you from somewhere.


Nah I don’t think so, I got that often that people think I am the King of all, the Master of all, the Conquerer of all, ha, but no you are mistaken, I am just a usual meat snack stand owner. Ok all the meat is baking now. Hey if you like I can show you around. You surely have never seen a sausage kitchen.


No never, can I, really? Wow that is so kind of you, yes please. Let me hop up. Tadaa I am here. Wow it looks awesome and it smells so good.


Well here you see the meat being baked and over here I have a fridge with soda drinks for the humans. I have many delicious drinks here. Over there I have a huge working place to put it all together and in the corner there is my special famous sausage room. Would you like to see it?


Hmm… well I don’t know, I think I stay here and wait till all is done.


Come on don’t be afraid, I am famous here and my sausages are the best in town. I won’t eat you.

While Saussi was a bit skeptic and not sure if he should trust Leo, thinking of what The Joker and Agent Moonwalker told him, never to go with strangers, the smell of the sausages made him agree to have a peak, just a look then, what can go wrong? And his friends are not far from him, so yes, he decided to give in and to have that sneak peak.


Alright then, you convinced me, please show me and I will go with you. Hmmm I am so curious as it smells so delicious.

Saussi’s Blending Taste! What Is What It Is!

Inside the meat snack stand there is a storage room for sausages.
What is what it is! A storage room for sausages inside a meat snack stand.


Great decision Saussi, just come over here and have a look with me, while I am your tour guide. So here is the room, where I keep all the meaty sausages, come, just come, have a look, do you love them too? I love sausages, you look and smell really meaty delicious, did anyone tell you? Would you like to smell and taste my sausages?


Aw awesome so many delicious sausages. Thank you, yeah I know I am the most tasty meaty sausage in the world hah. By the way, I still have the idea I have seen you before. Are you sure we have never met? Maybe at the Wealthy Affiliate University? You look so familiar.


No, I don’t think so, you must take me for someone else. But many students come here every day and are buying delicious snacks from me. Come closer and you may touch them, just go, I am behind you, nothing to worry about.


Thank you, oho those sausages smell so meaty delicious good, hmmm…..

And while Saussi smelled the sausages, he didn’t notice the smell worked as an Aphrodite and caused him to get slowly unconscious. He turned around to talk to Leo….


What eh what why am I feeling so dizzy all the sudden, what is happening to me… I can’t see you that good… come closer.


LIKE THIS? CLOSE ENOUGH? Whaaaa I got you, hahahahhahaha and tomorrow I willl conquer the world, hahahahahah, yes the world, planet Wealthy Earth is mine, mine, mine hahahahaha, after I used my special formula to mix it with your meaty meat juice I will have unlimited power for my new super weapon hahahahaha….


BLENDER!!!! I knew it, you evil alien bastard, what did you put into those sausages, well you won’t get me you wonljsfiu .s..f…..

And with that Saussi fell unconscious. Meanwhile in the park….

The newspaper office is not far from the park of the Wealthy Affiliate University.
Not far from the meat snack stand in the park of the Wealthy Affiliate University is the newspaper office.


Where is that beanstalk, how much longer do I have to wait to get my delicious meaty food? We should not have left him alone there.


I don’t understand, Saussi is fast and smart, maybe your Hot Dog was bad so he ordered a new one?


I don’t trust it, who knows is he eating my Hot Dog. Come let’s go back and see what is going on. Hop on Monster, we will be there in no time.


Good idea, hua hua hua Monster, quick quick if you can get us there within 5 minutes I will give you a piece of my snack.



And with that howling cry Monster ran so fast as he ran never before. They made it within the 5 minutes. Arrived, McTeddy instructed Monster and Peppi to stay put and ready in case something is wrong and they need a fast escape.


Hey Leo, did you see Saussi? He stayed here with you to wait for the order of our snacks.


Saussi? Oh he went away after he ate all your snacks. He ran in that direction, if you go now you might still be able to catch him.


Oh ok, thank you, I will go quickly then.

While McTeddy walked back to Monster and Peppi he realized something is fishy as the meat was still on the grill. Something is not right here and Saussi might be in danger. McTeddy decided to go back and to look around the snack stand to see if there is another way to enter it without being noticed by Leo who was working in front of the stand. He then found a pipe on the backside of the snack stand and decided to climb inside.


@#@jlafi..@@ that smells disgusting in here, why is that just happening to me all the time? But let’s face it, Saussi is my friend and I will save him no matter what, you hear me buddy, McTeddy your superhero is coming to save you, whenever you may need me.

While McTeddy crawled through the pipe he all off a sudden heard a strange howling noise coming from the other side of the pipe and before he could react a wave of stinking dirty water came over him.


What the bear, that was so beh bah argh disgusting, what are all those Green slimy parts? I am like a stinking sewerbear now, everyone will hate me to cuddle me for weeks, I hope Dr Fard can make me a neutralizer glue.

McTeddy climbed further up and got on a straight part of the pipe, when he heard voices coming from one of the rooms below.


Aaaah that feels so good, getting rid of my doo-doo, hah and I am more powerful now. Soon I will be the Master and Conqueror of planet Wealthy Earth. Hahahaha I am a genius, those stupid heroes did not even recognize me.

McTeddy is a stupid bearweazle hahahaha…. Saussi will soon have given me all his juice in the sausage storage room and then I will activate my new super weapon to overtake the planet hahahaaaa! I am so cool, I am so cool, my alien brothers and sisters will be so proud of me and their leagues will all follow me to send in their fleet of space ships haahahahaa….


Oh noooo, that is Blender, the evil alien mastermind, I must stop him at all cost and save Saussi. Let me quickly crawl through and see where the sausage storage room is. Ah there, let me fiddle and open the metal bottom plate, ha done, jump and here I am. Wow that is just majestic, hundreds of sausages are hanged up here. And there, oooh nooo that is Saussi, poor Saussi, he is getting sucked out of his juice. Let me run to him quickly.

What Is What It Is? McTeddy Blending Blender!

Blender captured Saussi and hung him up between his other delicious sausages.
Saussi got captured by the evil alien mastermind Blender, who hung Saussi up between the other sausages.

After Saussi woke up he discovered that Blender hung him up on his arms in between the other sausages. He still felt dizzy and he saw a kind of tube connected to a needle in his body, he felt how his juice was slowly being sucked out from his body into a special flask just under him on a table. “Is this the end? Is this my end?”: Saussi thought.

There was no sign from Blender and Saussi could barely move while feeling pain everywhere. Then he heard a noise coming from above him and as if something fell into the sausage chamber. Then before he realized it, there he was, McTeddy just appeared in front of him.


Hey buddy, shhh I am here to save you. Here let me remove the tape covering your mouth. How are you feeling? Just hang in there Saussi, let me think of something to remove those chains from you.


Thank you McTeddy, you are my hero, I feel so dizzy and weak. Don’t smell nor get too close to those hanging sausages, they will Aphrodite you and make you falling in a unconsciousness state. Blender hanged me up in these chains, the key must be somewhere over there, if you get it you can free me.

McTeddy went to get the keys in using his Catajump abilities.


Got it, here I unchain you, you are free to go, can you move? We can easily escape through the pipe system.


No I am too weak, we need to find another way out, I can make it to the store front with you and jump on Monster with you.


Let me think of something to distract Blender and you move your way to the store front, ok? Let me go first and I will attack Blender, when you see you can pass him just go. I will be alright and I will be just behind you.

The Escape! What Is What It Is!

Blender disguised as Leo making everyone believe he is not an alien mastermind.
Evil alien mastermind Blender disguised as Leo.

McTeddy entered the store front of the snack stand and there he is, Blender the evil alien mastermind. McTeddy took out his slingshot and his coffee beans, he ate some of them and then he started to shoot in his increased speed ravage mode to get Blender’s attention.


Hey slimy alien slob, take this, I got plenty of coffee beans for you. Catch me if you can hihihi.

While Blender got all McTeddy’s attention and went to confront him, McTeddy continued shooting, but Blender was not impressed as the coffee beans just reflected away from his body. McTeddy was thinking and decided to try to hit Blender on other places to find a weak spot, but it was too late, Blender quickly rushed forwards to McTeddy, before McTeddy could act to get away. Saussi saw what was happening and moved into a corner in the hope he would be out of sight from Blender.


Not so fast you little piece of bearweazle, got yah ha, I will turn you into a naked bear without hair, I will roast you on my grill hahahaha and after that I will get Saussi back to extract more of his juice hahahah he is just perfect, I have a vial of juice from him already. And Saussi, I see you too, I will get you once I turned your friend into a sashlik bearstick hahahahaha…. you won’t escape me….

Blender grabbed McTeddy at his neck and while McTeddy tried to struggle himself free, he couldn’t. Blender was too strong. Blender rolled him into some vegetables, so McTeddy was not able to move anymore. Then McTeddy thought of Peppi who was on guard with Monster, if he could hear him, it is worth a try… McTeddy realized it is his only chance. Saussi cannot help, he is still too dizzy to do anything.


Peeeepppiiiiii Peppi heeelp, heeeelp come quick, NOW SHERIFF EMERGENCY!


You can shout whatever you want, no one is going to save you. The world is mine hahaha mine, all mine, no one will stop me and all my alien brothers and sisters will call me out as The King of Planet Wealthy Earth! Hahahaha….


Did you hear that Monster, that was McTeddy and he is in the need of help. He said the magic words, quick Monster lets go there.


Look the grill is ready. Here take some oil oh and here are the spicy herbs, they stick very well on you hahahahaha…..


allubblubblb Peeepppiiiiii Heeeeelp!!!


There that is Blender!!!! Oh noooo he is going to kill McTeddy, wait you evil piece of alien brat, take that!

And said that, Peppi took out his slingshot and put his coffee bean in, stretched his arms as far as possible, aimed at Blender and shot! At the same moment Blender reacted on Peppi’s shouting, while he put McTeddy on the grill to be baked slowly.

Evil alien mastermind Blender has a reptilian eye, see the close up.
Here you see a close up of evil alien mastermind Blender his real reptilian eye.


Who said that? Come and show yourselves so I will let you join McTeddy on the grill, he is just heating up ahahhahahahaha…. Wait what is that, there is Peppi and fjlksj#@@$… aaaauuuuu my eye, what did you just shoot into my eye you meaty piece of beanstalk???

And with that, Blender fell to the back into the dishes onto the ground, struggling to get up, overwhelmed by the pain and the coffee bean in his eye, which he tried to remove, Peppi did not wait and jumped up using the Catajump technique, which he managed without any problem. Again with his Catajump he attacked Blender, who didn’t see it coming and Peppi landed straight on his eye that he just hit before with his coffee bullseye bean shot.


Tsjakaa wahaaaa take that you alien blending brat, bham feel my meaty power.

Peppi used not only his body to hit Blender’s eye, but he also used his fists and feet to hit Blender wherever possible on his face. One of Blender’s eyes revealed the true nature of Blender, the eye was looking Green like from a reptilian. Peppi got a shock to see Blender’s true nature and hit him even harder, till Blender lost his consciousness. Then he went to the grill to save McTeddy, who was starting to feel uncomfortable as the grill slowly started to bake him and he noticed the slow burning of his hair.


Aaauua heelp, Peppi quick I am starting to burn, heelp….


I am here, I had to knock-out Blender first, here let me take you off the grill and free you from the vegetables that bound you together. Done, you are free now, hmm did I ever tell you, you smell delicious meaty, can I have a taste?


Are you out of your mind Peppi? No off course you cannot!!! Thank you for saving me by the way so I will forgive you your meaty meattalk. Quick help me with Saussi who cannot move too much as he is still too dizzy.

We need to get out of here as fast as possible, before Blender is getting his consciousness back. Let’s get to the newspaper office and call in the cavalry of Robocarl, Agent Moonwalker, The Joker and anyone else of the team to catch Blender before he may disappear.


Hi Saussi my friend, come we help you to get out of here, just this step up, yes you are doing great, get ready, 1 – 2 and 3 jump! Huhuuu awesome Monster, now run, get us to the newspaper office, quick!

Juiced Peppi Infuses Saussi! What Is What It Is!

At The Daily Wealthy Affiliate novel newspaper we have an open office culture.
Our open office space at The Daily Wealthy Affiliate novel newspaper.

Monster ran as fast as he could to escape from the horror adventure of our heroes. After arriving they went into the elevator and Saussi was still too weak to move so he needed the assistance of his best friends.

Finally the elevator doors opened and they entered the office. The colleagues working on that floor were surprised to see our heroes and the way they looked. Agent Moonwalker, who was there as well, called everyone together to meet up with our heroes.

Agent Moonwalker

Quick everyone, come over here, Saussi, Peppi, McTeddy and Monster arrived and something is very wrong.

Everyone came looking, our heroes looked so awful.


Who did this to you? What happened? Hey McTeddy, did you know you are smelling like a barbecued sewersausage? Delicious and disgusting at the same time, just keep your distance will you?


Very funny Robocarl @#$@@!!! I almost died, were it not for Peppi to save me. Evil mastermind Blender is in the park of the Wealthy Affiliate University. He planned this for a very long time to lure us into a trap and capture Saussi for his meaty life-force juice. He got one vial of Saussi and we just saved him in time before he would last his life by getting sucked out by Blenders diffusion method.

Blender said he will use it for a new super weapon to conquer our planet, we stopped him, but he has still this vial and who knows what he is going to do with it. If you go quickly you can catch him and we can find out his evil plan and stop him and his brothers and sisters in helping him to conquer our planet.


Ok this is what we do, me, Agent Moonwalker and The Joker will go to catch Blender, while you guys will bring Saussi into Dr. Fard’s office to save him.

Dr. Fard

Saussi is very weak, only an infusion with similar juice can save him now. Peppi you are the only one who can give him that and save his life. I know you are often bickering and fighting together, but he is your best mate and friend. You will recover from the infusion as i will give you some delicious sausages afterwards so you will get your energy back.


No problem, he is my brother, my family and I would do anything to save him.


Give me all your shaven meatsticks hihihi!


No that was not funny McTeddy, you pervert!


Hihihihi….. ok fun aside, I will stay here and look after you while you are on the infuse.


Thank you McTeddy, you are my best teddy bear friend in the world!

Dr. Fard

Can someone call in a plumber? It smells like a sewer here, a disgusting burned fishy alien smell, bah….


@##$%%@ Dr. Fard that is not funny grrr…. you better get me a neutralizer as I am a victim of alien scum.

Dr. Fard

Oh so it is you who needs to get plumbed hahaha, ok I will go and see how I can mix a fertilizer for you and get you neutralized.

After several hours we saw how Saussi was getting better and our heroes returned from the park. Saussi was happy to have such good friends to take care of him. Dr. Fard neutralized McTeddy’s smell, but unfortunately it has some side effects as it causes McTeddy’s footsteps to sound like soaked steps, which caused many laughs in our office. Dr. Fard said it will go away over time, eventually.


Blender was gone, also the snack stand. He literally disappeared into thin air. We asked people in the park and the students from the Wealthy Affiliate University if they had seen anything, but they all reacted strangely telling us there never ever was a snack stand in the first place. We will have to investigate and keep an eye on further developments people, so initiate your search and hand everything over to me in my office so I can start to profile Blender.

The Joker

Ok you heard the man, lets get back to work people, concerning Saussi, Peppi, McTeddy and Monster you are all free for today, take a rest as you deserved it. You can write your report of all happenings on Monday and put it on my office table.

My dear fans and readers, this was the first long novel adventure of our heroes, exclusively written for you.

If you liked this story, please do donate to us, we are depending on your funding for our novel newspaper to thrive!


The Joker, Editor in Chief


[attractive-donation donation=”3″]


  1. The way you communicated your idea is intriguing, in fact, it brought out a nasty surprise. 

    When I was going through your article, it is comic and I had fun reading every paragraph of it including the characters. That was amazing! 

    I was even wondering if you can produce this in animation, like the characters begin to interact, then animate the entire process. 

    This will sell, what do you think about this?

  2. Whao whao whao….. This is lovely!!! 

    At first i thought i couldn’t read up the whole story, but it got to a stage where i got captivated and i had to reshuffle my sit in order to enjoy the morals of the story. 

    I would love to commend the writer with respect to the donation; how do we donate and what are the criteria for donation? 

    I will be happy if you can respond anytime soon.

    • Hi Abioye,

      Thank you so much for your comment, did you see that Green button on the bottom of the article?

      Donate Us! We Need Your Help!

      You just click on it and a window will open up with some explanation and a slider you can move to the left and right to choose your donation influence.

      It works through Paypal as a Paypal donation, once you have chosen your influencer item, you then donate and in my next upcoming story your action will be integrated in my story and it will influence the story development, so I will act on what you do, that sounds fun and excitement right?

      If you want more, let’s say you have a good product that you would like to see as a part in our world (we can beam it through our Dimensional Rift Accelerator called DIMRA) or you would like to be a hero or villain in our world (so Agent Moonwalker can add you to the hunting list), contact us by email and we will discuss the options.

      With your help we will be able to build out the story world, add videobooks, audiobooks, do live webinars and much more. Thank you for being our fan.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  3. I must admit that at first I was very confused trying to understand what this was about. But, once I knew it was a story, I saw it was a funny and weird one. I began to enjoy it. 

    This is a twist from the regular and it is cool to read more about the Wealthy Affiliate University on your planet Wealthy Earth, the story was really creative.

    Love your creativity, looking forward to read more from you.

    warm regards

  4. Hello Joker,

    What a very different website, the title first of all led me to think that it might be a very innovative way of showcasing  the Wealthy Affiliate University.

    Innovative it is, but not in the way I was thinking, and I have to say I am still not entirely sure what it is your trying to achieve, because at the top of the website, you have nicely laid out menus, which could benefit with a starting point so as to give your reader focus and direction.

    Reading through this story, it appears to be a journal about McTeddy and his friends, is that right and what he does on a daily basis? It is a funny story with many twists and it keeps me reading till the end. 

    What is it you were or are trying to achieve with this besides of entertaining me, the reader?

    Whatever it may be, keep on writing and I will be back for more.


    • Hi Dave,

      You got a point, we are thinking of a way how we can introduce ourselves how we are and what our newspaper is all about. That is something you cannot see now when reading any of our articles.

      We are happy to hear you liked the story and you got entertained. McTeddy is one of our 26 story characters so far and he is a real hero beloved by many people. This story was about him and his friends, and me and Moony while we were at the office. You must know we are all alive in our story world located somewhere in an alternative universe on Planet Wealthy Earth.

      This story was a bonus for all our fans, in general we write and teach you about topics or we introduce you to product and services we know off that are good for you.

      Seeing you around Dave.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  5. Thank you very much for this great post, I find it really informative and interesting. This is the third time I am stumbling on your blog and it is always fun to read through the lines.

    I have tried catajumping a couple of times but till now I didn’t get the basis. Thanks for providing great insight into that. 

  6. Wow, this is mind twisting. I am a Wealthy Affiliate associate and I have no boring day. My Monday is like my Friday and weekend is weekend or could be beginning of my week depending on what I have going for me. I love the eye catching pictures, they are great artistic work. Thanks for sharing your Wealthy Affiliate news twister.

  7. Hey Joker,

    I liked the interaction between Saussi and Leo. Especially the highlights how the meat snack stand becomes like the center of this universe “Master of all, the Conquerer of all, ha, but no you are mistaken” – Leo haha. Approaching the meat stand is like being sucked into a sci-fy program

    Hey great article! It was randomly amusing! :p

  8. Very creative and a very great story. It took me a few lines to realize what it was all about. It is a great way to make it interesting about Wealthy Affiliate. 

    You have a huge talent here for writing. I enjoyed reading it. Wealthy Affiliate is awesome! I have been with them for 2 1/2 years.

    I am going to bookmark this and I am looking forward to another story!

  9. I will say that you have done well in writing this article as it is very captivating  to say the least. The  conversation is the greatest part in this article and you also have done beyond words.

    I  hope you will keep writing more of this kind of content and eventually put a book up on the Amazon shelves, that way a lot of more people can read your work.

  10. What a beautiful engaging and creative piece of writing, I actually got engross when you said, ” I learned how to hold the slingshot and the funny thing is that I can add lots of strength to it by using my arms which are so long and elastically”. Really quite funny. 

    But can I ask the literal name of creative piece written in this form?

  11. Wow this is really wonderful and informative to read.

    When i started reading this post, for me I thought I will never get finished reading it, but all along, it became an interesting read.

    I want to confess something to you. The way and manner you articulate your point is really fascinating. The surprise i got from it really makes me feel good. 

    I think this will make a hell of a good movie. The characters are cool. I really enjoyed it.

    You just made my day!!!! Thank you!

  12. Mr Joker

    I just want to get you out of your misery and tell you where the robust mr Coffee Bean went. They all have a tendency to slip around the corner with the liquid rich smooth miss Cream and have a big reunion, making for a great sipping experience.

    All days could have been called Monday or Saturday or whatever, putting the fun back in every day is the secret weapon to equalize.

    Thank you once again for gambling with our brain cells, shaking them up and let them settle down in new combinations.

    Waiting for the next Monday edition.
    Bush Lady

  13. This is really interesting.

    The brain behind this article should be appreciated.

    The game “shoot the monster” is interesting according to what I read here, I and my friends can actually try it out. I will share this article with my friends to read and then we shall see.

    Thanks for sharing this beautiful story.

  14. Well I’m really glad I came across your article today – it makes a change to read something fresh, exciting, twisted and….a little confusing (but in a good way!). 

    Love your website – you have a new follower who has already bookmarked you work for a future visit. 

    I was struggling in the first few paragraphs…but then the content became a lot clearer 🙂

  15. Wow! Excellent idea and brilliant post. I was little bit confused about the topic. And finally I understood about this beautiful story which is regarding many things. 

    I like all of those wealthy affiliate scenery and it’s surroundings. I really would not know many interesting activities exist based on wealthy affiliate which achieves really a great trust from the international world for the long time. 

    Thanks for this awesome post.

  16. You have wonderful storytelling skills. I had a hard time understanding the story at first but once I read down about half the page I started to get it. 

    You have some funny characters and you elaborate well on who they are and what they do. Thanks for the humorous story I needed that today.

  17. Hi,

    I have read the whole story. It is really a wonderful story about The Daily Wealthy Affiliate and it’s characters.

    I needed some time to get to understand the story, but once I did by paying attention (my English is not that good yet), I love your story very well. 

    Such beautiful stories are coming from you and I am looking forward to get more.

    Thank you for sharing this great story with us.   

  18. Well, Well, Well Joker, what can I say but thank you for this great post. Rather confusing to start with for a lot of people I see which makes us all keep reading to find out what happens to McTeddy, Saussi, Peppi and Monster. I would certainly love to join them in their games in that park, especially with the sun shining all day.

    It is exciting reading to see if Saussi will be saved from Leo aka Blender in the snack stand then poor McTeddy becomes his victim but thanks to Peppi and his sling shot and coffee bean bullet he saved the day for them. All that playing in the park with McTeddy paid off after all.

    One thing I am wondering though, will you give McTeddy a telling off for stealing your coffee beans or will you just let it slide after what happened. Dr. Fard also needs to be commended for his help, especially getting rid of McTeddy’s horrible sewer smell.

    Look forward to the follow up which I take it, there is one as we all need to know what happened with Blender, did he just disappear into thin air or did him and his snack stand blend in with the bushes?

  19. Excellent! article with beautiful scenery of wealthy affiliate university location. I would not even know so much information about the wealthy affiliate campus and it’s surroundings if I did not read your article. I love all of your picture and related text about it. I already post some portion of your article in my face-book group. Thanks for writhing such beautiful article.

  20. I was discouraged to continue reading as the beginning was kinda unclear to me. I knew the writer has something to offer in such a long article, so I just endured reading until I got engrossed till I finished reading till the end. The story really lightened my mood. It’s been a while I read a story as long as this on the internet. I commend your writing prowess.

  21. Great write up you got there. Love the way you capture the reader’s mind with your choice of words and illustrations. Even though am not a big fan of sausages but I  still found the way you presented it amusing and guess it kinda pull me a little bit towards liking it. The interactions, saucy and Leo… That’s awesome. 

  22. Your post was fun and as I read I feel nonstop. It’s was a funny caption though,, “What is what it is ” yes whatever that is,  is always what it is. To me  wealthy affiliates is what it is and what it really is and am calling wealthy affiliates what it is. Just as the name implies “Wealthy Affiliates ” yea they are really wealthy in the affiliate marketing!!  I rest my case!!

  23. Like many readers who have taken the time to add their thoughts on this “What Is What It Is” post, I found the article hard to understand initially. The writing style is quite different, and entertaining after you adjust your head to it! Once I did get through the first few paragraphs, it all became clearer…

    It felt a bit like an Alice in Wonderland tale, with lots of twists and turns, and I found myself going back to earlier parts of the story and then back to where I left off to read more. You really have a unique style of writing that people will either love or not. I loved it!

    I see you are taking donations for further editions and likely for upkeep expenses, how is that working for you? Are people helping out much and is there an area to show what the donations are used for? This might be helpful (and I may have missed it, so forgive me if this is the case) to convince people to open their wallets.

    Definitely will be back, I have bookmarked the website to see what new adventures are coming! Thanks…

  24. very interesting way on how to integrate these characters in your article, at the beginning was little confusing but my curiosity to know and understand where you wanted to go with this story, at the end my curiosity was rethought with this excellent content.

    Thank you for sharing this great article.

  25. This article is really unique and Top-Notch. Do you know what captivated me at first? i had to re-read the topic over and over before fully understanding what it means (laughs). Great work you have done to compose such a great piece. I enjoyed the wonderful conversation between Peppi and McTeddy, especially in this part of the article “Yummy Hot Dogs! What Is What It Is! “. Keep it up, will anticipate more interesting posts like this subsequently. Thanks

  26. What a crazy story… I really enjoyed it. 

    So how do I register for the wealthy affiliate university?

    Sounds like  great place to make friends and discover things about yourself in a very fun way. You should convert this into a short animated movie, I can see the characters running around and interacting. 

    Great story telling…beam me up to Wealthy earth.

  27. Hi Joker!

    Whao whao whao and Wow….. this is lovely!!! Great post.

    The way you wrote your ideas is original, which caused an astonishing surprise. When I read your post, it was funny and I enjoyed reading each line of it, the sequencing was really unbelievable!

    Thanks a lot  for this amazing virtual trip 🙂

    Keep working

  28. The Joker tells a story! 

    Wow, was I confused when I first started reading this. I began scrolling and realized how long the article was, and was trying to figure out the purpose and context. Once I got past the coffee incident, it started to make sense. 

    So I started over, and finished the whole article. Interesting website of creative stories and pictures. 

    I love the word “Edutainment.” I don’t know that I’ve heard that before, but I’m going to add it to my vocabulary!

  29. I will never look at coffee beans the same again…on a Monday or a Tuesday…or even a Friday! 

    It seems I have missed a lot of fun and grand adventures on the campus of the Wealthy Affiliate University. How could I miss all this action?!?! Seriously?!?! Must get my nose off that grindstone a little more often, I suppose. 

    I’m so glad The Daily Wealthy Affiliate keeps me informed. 

    Now to go grind some of those coffee beans before they become missiles…

  30. This article is intriguing and I admit that at first, I was very confused trying to understand what this was about. I had to read it a few times to fully understand the story behind it and then I began to really enjoy it.

    You made up some funny characters and twist it in a humorous way about the Wealthy Affiliate world. And now I am  following your site for even more wonderful stories.

    A good read and thank you!

    Warm regards

  31. Wow, what an enthralling story! McTeddy took me by surprise several times by how he acted when he was in danger.  A very interesting and funny story, thanks for sharing!

    I think this story was really suspenseful at times since it felt real! I was so engrossed that I couldn’t stop reading!

    Love reading what you post, thanks!

  32. Hi Joker, 

    I must say I quite enjoyed reading your content on your site of sorts! I love how it starts out with the usual “hatred,” of Mondays and days of the week banter that we humans have and our constant bellyaching about having to do that 9-5 grind we all know as “work.” 

    I love how you write very comfortably, freely, naturally. 

    The topic in the beginning ” sounds rather serious, and very put together but then as you read further you feel as if you’ve just jumped right into a children’s science fiction novel, and suddenly there are aliens, and the super-natural surrounding us.

    As much as at first I kind of thought “where is this going?” I kept on reading, because I had absolutely no idea where it was going, but it was so odd I just had to keep reading to see what would happen! 

    Your writing is very playful and vibrant, I love how it just flows with whatever thought that pops into your mind at the time. And how you’ve sort of meshed a whole bunch of niches together, giving you a broader subject matter for content, you are supporting the WA program, but you also have aliens and tech and a whole bunch of other topics crammed into one little site. 

    It’s incredible! 

    The only thing I guess I would say might make it better is if there wasn’t such an abundance of information on your site, but that may be what you are going for, and if it is, kudos to you if your niche is a whole bundle of randomness …

    You do you! Your writing is super creative and I think you will achieve greatness with what you have! 

    All The Best,


  33. It took me a few lines until I understood what this was all about as in the beginning it was not making much sense. 

    You really are good at writing and I enjoyed your article very much. It’s different than the usual WA articles we see everyday and for this I commend you. 

    Nice read!

  34. OKAY here, where is my coffee mug???? I just saw it a minute ago.

    Well, it is Wednesday, isn’t it??? Why are you talking about Tuesday?? did I miss a whole day without knowing about it?

    Well, I loved your story, I am a bit confused right now, but hey, that’s o.k., I am also blond.

    What has that to do with all this?

    Never mind, I am here or there and I guess I am writing a response. Did I say I loved the whole story? because I did.

    YaYYYY found my coffee mug, wait, uhm, I guess I saw a shadow going through the door. 

    Yeah, never mind I am writing again, another day another dollar, don’t care which one, and I love getting my post finished. So I stop here.

    Tootles. :))))

  35. Dear Joker,

    I love how your mind works!  The story What Is What It Is? This story is a crazy, go, go, go adventure of aliens sing everyday normal interactions but making them seem very weird and foreign.

    It was imaginative and exciting. The maze of the story keeps twisting and turning and you just don’t know where you’ll end up. 

    All I can say is you definitely made my Monday better by reading this. Can’t wait for the next installment to see what kind of trouble our little heroes get into next.

  36. I happened upon your site and thought I was going to be reading a Wealthy Affiliate review. 

    Then I was directed into some sort of unknown twists that very quickly became a story.

    You my friend are a great writer and I would love to read more of your writings.  

    It feels like you could really be a deep dark writer and those are the ones I really love.Thank you for taking the time to put something out there that is very different.


  37. I like the way you play with ideas in your article. Your humor makes it interesting to read and the characters give life to it. That definitely was something different! I didn’t quite understand the use of some pictures along the post, but maybe it’s just me, for not understanding the metaphors. I think this type of text is interesting for some people. Keep up the good work!

  38. You can’t expect online users to pay attention to your articles unless you have titles which interest them and make them curious.  Why Is It What Is What It Is Calling Monday a Monday? This is a very curious title. At first i think it doesn’t make any sense, but i was curious about what it had to say. If you want to impress your readers, you better make sure that you offer them with nothing but the best. 

    Very good tactic and I’m impressed! You got me.

  39. Nice article. I was kind of scared of reading it at first because it’s pretty long but once I started reading it, I was drawn into it and I couldn’t stop reading. its different from most articles you see on the internet so it really gets your attention. 

    You’re a pretty good writer.

  40. This is such a mind twisting beautiful piece. At first i was just wondering isnt this a review or something until i realized it was a story. The writer has an amazing mind and should be commended. It is nice seeing something different from the norms.i was absolutely glad reading something new, fresh and exciting and the storytelling skills are so top notch. Actually your story was quite long.


  41. What an interesting article to read. It is lovely, it grabs my attention and I don’t want to stop reading it. 

    At the beginning I was thinking about want the post is about until I reached some point I started enjoying it

    It is all about Wealthy Affiliate and your heroes, never a dull moment. I am always happy to be part of the community.

    Excellent creativity I must say!

  42. Hi Joker,

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