Hey Liker What The Like Is Liking Like with You! Don’t You Like Me Anymore?

You are gonna like this!

How to know if someone likes you

Dear fans and readers,

After our turbulent story of Robocarl in Recovery Center!, it is a bit quite on the horizon, it is like the aliens and monsters are on a holiday and the drones are following them.

The Overseers are having regularly coffee and tea meetings with Robocarl, to welcome him back and comfort him, or is it to find out who might be next on the target list? Time will tell ladies and gentleman.

Nevertheless, we got some other day to day news for you. And the question of the questions is, as you might have read out of the title: How to know if someone likes you!

To Like or Not To Like, That Is The Liking Like!

How to know if someone likes you!
How to know if someone likes you, is the liking like!

Eh or is it the question?

There are these alien creatures walking among us, who like to be liked and like all others to be liked back and fall in love in their never ending liking circle, hmmm that gives me the creeps, perhaps this is their mission on Planet Wealthy Earth at Campus Wealthy Affiliate University, to invade and being liked for their like and likings, what a liking life.

True most likings must be feel like a liking like in like like land and if you do not like the liker to be liked the first question is:

“Hey liker what the like is liking like with you, don’t you like me anymore?”

How to know if someone likes you!
Are you upset, because you aren’t being liked anymore?

Even more disturbing to see, those Aliens are not only trying to like like others, but also like liking like over liking themselves? How the liking like is that in like like land? Every morning they are standing in front of their mirror for hours, and saying like:

“Liking mirror on the wall, who is in like like land the most liking liker of us all?”

What The Like? Why Do We Like?

How to know if someone likes you!
Liking me, liking you?

So what is this like-hive all about? Why do we like? For this my dear readers, we will need to analyze, where the word like is coming from and what it exactly means or can mean in our liking life.

Definition of Like:

According to the Oxford dictionary: “Having the same characteristics or qualities as; similar to, used to draw attention, used with reference to a person or thing of the same kind as another.”

A-ha that explains it all. So now we know the definition, how can we interpret it’s use?

Let’s say: if we can state like means to like me, like I am and like myself, so asking do you like me with the intention you mean you, like me, as an alien like the way I am, so you will be exactly like me being me like me, alien alike? Hell nooooo!!!!, I won’t be a pesky alien!…. Is it not wonderingly why we react to those aliens like that?

Perhaps the solution to all solutions is to ban the word like from the dictionary, from our language, and the aliens will leave us alone as there will be no one left here to like them anymore!

Reader Comments: Like and Liking Like Like Like!

How to know if someone likes you!
Show me you like me, write me you like me, click like, thumbs up!

In our interview with some readers, the most remarkable comments were received.


“And now I have upliked all the likes, good night!”



“Hahahahahahahahahaha!!! I don’t know if I can like anymore then I liked. I wish there were different tiers of like. Like small like and big like. Maybe even a negative like!”



“Like, like and like, lol!

This was the most hilarious blog post ever and I could not stop like reading, it, lol, like way to go, like!

I have so many emails, and no I have not, but I’m like sure, like they are, like, like, hilarious.

Like, like, bye for now, lol!

One Million Becky likes!”



“Excellent! I wish I could like write like this like, lol! Like thanks for posting, like. I liked it, actually, loved it. Like thanks!”



“Oh I like this. We aliens tend to like things as to blend in with the rest of the audience. We simply merge with them, then shape-shift to not being detected. Oh shit.. I said that out loud, didn’t I? Where is the unlike button? I need to quickly unlike this to end up in like like land again and blend in with the rest of the aliens.

and tonight….we will take over the WORLD!

WE take over the world….”


Dr. Doliker

“You should like link the likable links here liking liker! Much easier for us to like..- eh click I mean – and like onwards!

I like that, let’s Liking doing it! All for Like and Like for One!”



“I like to like on liking you too! You are Liking Awesome! :)”


Agent Moonwalker

“If likes raise ranks, what does unlikes do? Raise hackles!

Shall I like your post, does liking your post means I like you, if I like you, does that mean I like all of you?

So I click like today, I like today’s you, today, here, right at this current moment, something you wrote lights up in my brain and it triggers a like.”


Dr. Fard & Monster

“With a multiversity alien, it is good possible you will like everyone by liking multiversity, but do you like unlikes too? It is like to know, do aliens have liking brains too?”



“I’m not of this world and I like myself. Unlike earthlings…, they usually do not like themselves!”


Saussi & Peppi

“We are like happy, you are happy being liked, liking us liking you, like we all like here to like the written liking story and us about liking. :)”



“So….this post was about liking aliens? I believe it is good for all of us to get a better understanding how we should like, to learn how to like, in a funny entertained way. Thank you for writing this so important article, I hope to read more of it and you will be back for a next awesome story very soon.”



“I love Liking. It’s nice to be liked back. The Liking circle is an infinitive Like world. If only aliens can Like Like we all should then I’m Like an Alien. I Like you and your Like Post.




“First let me say…. i like them and I think they like me too….. but the question i would like to like to an alien is: Are you really an Alien or just an Extraterrestrial?”



“Like I think I should like this. Like, I’m not completely sure. Do I really like like it? And if I do like like this , there is no like like button. Only a like this Blue button. Hmmmm, what to do? I think I’ll like it. I hope that is sufficient to express my liking of it.”



“Lol, that is a lot of “likes”, like wow! 🙂 I like it. Did you really look at all the likes on that Blue hand below? You can like all other likers here, like me and like his, like too, I am sure Joker will very much like it and surely like you back, then everybody got his likes today, in written and thought form, I like that too. :D”


Commander Ambassador Mkearns from Starcruiser “Freedom”

“Hey Joker, you made me go to Sunny’s blog and give her a welcome back like after an absence of several months due to her travels through space! Your teachings land in mysterious and funny ways. I am glad you can teach and help others out. And thanks for liking by, much liked!”

Act Now! What The Like Me! Like Us! Like Yourself! Click Like!

How to know if someone likes you!
Like me. Like us. Like yourself. Click like.

Dear readers, let us know in your comments below how you think of this!

  1. Do you like it?
  2. How much like do you put in your daily liking life?
  3. Do you like to be in like like land?
  4. Can you imagine a day without being liked?

And if you like this article, please do not forget to UPLIKE our Facebook Like,

If you see any LIKE hand under this article,

!!!! CLICK LIKE !!!!

if you see any uplike button

!!!! CLICK LIKE !!!!

We from The Daily Wealthy Affiliate, Big Like thanks any of your like’s, it shows us you appreciate and respect our journalism and you very much Like us to continue writing for you, bringing you all the liking news of the daily liking life at and around Campus Wealthy Affiliate, day in and day out, said like that:



The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate

PS: Come back and like here, then I will like you in return, like all others should return and multiply the likings of all liker’s and together we will storm the charts and kick all unlikers out of the top.


  1. Well Joker, what can I say about this except that I liked liking this post and I haven’t liked anything like this for a long time. YES I do like getting liked every day when you are liking me.

    Like like land has to be the best place to be at the moment and yes I put plenty of like into every liking day.

    • Hi Cheryl,

      What the like was I liking clicking. Look my liking like reply is under this reply. No wonder you did not like to get liking back here to like with me what I liked.

      Like out.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate

  2. Hello Cheryl,

    Thank you for passing by and we very much like like your reply that you like this liking like like article so much. We like you, you are our like like fan for liking ever.

    Tell us, what was your best like ever?

    The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate

  3. Hehe, it became to much like for me. But I believe it is to many unserious likes out there. Have a feeling that people like just to like. Maybe I`m one of them just to get somebody following me?? Not sure. You have put the finger on something there.

    • Careful you might get a likophobia 😉

      I think if you receive a like, that is a good thing as people show you respect for your posting. If you reply and you like the article you read, you should give that like as it helps us the writers to continue writing this kind of content for them.

      Perhaps an unlike button can help out, like Youtube is doing, or see lesser likes as you see usual on a liked post will give you the liking insight, how much you are being liked.

      Does that make liking sense to you?

      The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate

  4. Hey Joker:

    Ah me….it is just too much, all the liking that’s going ’round. Oh, the likes we can like if only we try!

    Ya know, the spooky thing about your post is that I think it might actually be true. Maybe our world and web really have been invaded by a bunch of insidious aliens bent on turning us all into bland, beige bobos who live for “Like”.

    I mean, really…LIKE? How blah is that?

    • Hello Netta,

      Thank you for taking the time to read our article, much appreciated.

      The reason likes were put in place is to animate the readers to show a bit more appreciation to the content and in this way the creator can see how content is being received. However many may have forgotten about the function like, why it is there, in the first place.

      And yes many make misuse of that and want to put themselves in a liking like like land, to be in the middle of all attention and not because of something they created.

      And then there are effectively those who just click like to be seen as any other liker to blend into the liking crowd of real liking people.

      Yes we know for a fact now, there is at least one here, Blender, and who knows how many more.

      Let’s be on our liking like and watch out for liking likers.

      Stay like! I mean stay safe and have fun along our next edutainment post.


      The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate

  5. To the best Joker like ever, like, like, haha, like, lol. Like, like, totally, like, like, fabulous, lol. The best like, like, writing about like, like, ever, like, lol.

    Like, like, liking out, the like, liked Joker, from like, like, Editor in Chief of The Daily like, likes, liked, liking, Wealthy Affiliate, like, like, Journalist, like, like, liked, likes, following, and liking, best fan ever, lol.

    You had me at liked…haha, and there is like, like, never enough, likes, to go around, like, like, lol…like, like, likes, like, and like. There is nothing like, like, a good dose of like, likes, from The Daily Wealthy Affiliate – I really, like, like, lol.

    • Hi Becky,

      Happy Likeday to you! May you have many more likedays to come! And on that we toast a liking like like drink.

      I am likehappylike that you like what you like for the liking like of all liking likers from the liking like like like in like like land. 🙂

      Like out,

      The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate

  6. Hey, Joker,

    Love, love, like my green alien guy with the horns, like, like, lol. Like, like, way too funny. Haha. I never expected that, like, like, lol.

    It’s alien time. Way too, cool, like, like, lol. I have my own like mascott. Like, like, your creativity.

    Awesome, awesome, like, like, and like. Creativity at its like, likest, like, like, best. Bravo!

    Creativity like at its best, like, like, lol. Likeess.

    • Hey Becky Like, Queen of all liking likers,

      Its a liking like to like on a liking like, so to like it or not the liking like from the likers was a liking like. Did you like that the liking like was liking like the liker? No?

      Well that was the liking like from the likers and the likers liked the liking like of liking like like, that is liking like, like?

      One million liking Beckylikes,
      xaxa (secret liking like, see liking encoder for like) 😉

      The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate

    • Awesome Tina,

      Have a Liking Like Like Day with lots of Liking Likers Liking You.

      I like that!

      The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate

  7. Well. This is the most likely confusing article I’ve ever like to see so far in my life 🙂 I liked it though, very likely unique, and haven’t seen anything like it before. To like is great, then others will like you back to spread some happy liking in this world.
    Awesome liking article 🙂


    • Hello Øystein,

      We like to hear your liking like on this liking article. When we like others, even if we don’t like it, we show respect and bring positive thoughts in this world making other people liking happy. A like comes back as a like for the like we gave. Now if we all start liking then life will be liking awesome as we will like and be liked each and every day.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate

  8. Hi there i do like the concept of aliens and you done it in a funny way!

     How to be liked and liking someone is always a tricky thing and i like how you express yourself and you are very interactive with the reader and make us think about your questions! Well done job 

    • Hello Liliana,

      What the like, aliens are for real on our planet Wealthy Earth, somewhere in a parallel universe. We have heard of alien sightings and encounters on your planet too. Have you ever met one and how did you liked it? Would you like to meet aliens or is that liking liked too much. We are interested to hear your answer on that.

      Liking is a positive vibe and sending out happiness to others, now if they like your likes we do not liking know, but who would not like to receive a liking like? As long we let the liker for who he / she / it likes to be. we will do a liking like job.

      Thank you for participating in this liking discussion.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate

  9. Hello,

    I hope I am liked for finding your article interesting. Most might find the expression in your article weird and I am one of them. Although you weirdly expressed an interesting topic, I actually related very well to it. We spend way too much time trying to get people to like us or wondering if we are actually being liked by others. Forget about it! If we like that image we see in the mirror everyday we are being liked by the most important person in the world, and that’s SELF!

    Lighthearted  article with a strong message!


    • Hello Diane,

      It is ok, you earthlings do not always see the connection when you are landing on our novel newspaper, how could you? Is it you may not see the rest of what we write from our planet Wealthy Earth in another parallel universe, where aliens are for real. The topic off course has also meaning in your world. Are aliens there? Some say yes and others say no. Time will tell to find out. 

      Now coming back to liking or not liking, the first liking like starts with liking like ourselves, because if we can do that, we are also able to like others, no matter if alien or not.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate


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