Child Kidnapping Stories!

Co-edited by The Joker, Editor in Chief

Police officers writing an arrest report.
Police writing a kidnapping report.

While we notice many survivors coming in thanks to the survival guide from Saussi & Peppi, there was a disturbance with our hero Robocarl.

Oh and what about The Joker? Yes he is back as well. Oh you want to know where he was? Well he was kidnapped as well, but more to that in a later upcoming story. They let him go, no idea why, but all of a sudden they released him and several others, the alien kidnappers retreated and flew away in their spacecraft.

Let’s get back to Robocarl’s story, who really hates hospitals by now.

After having spent 6 months in one, he never really wanted to see the sight of one again. Even the mention of one would give him a disorder.

The Case Jaimee!

Child Kidnapping Stories!

Here you see our Wannabe Hospital.
Wannabe hospital on planet Wealthy Earth.

Yet here he was, visiting little Jaimee. Jaimee was such a cute little girl with the sweetest smile ever. Robocarl felt like he would do anything to fulfill this little girl’s wishes. Visiting her in the hospital was the least he could do.

It all happened on that date with Supatra. They went to a special weapon exhibition finding new high tech that can assist us in our missions. When they left the exhibition, they were still caught up with some of the amazing new technologies and were discussing about how they can improve one particular gadget they saw.

They stood on the side-street for a moment, thoroughly enjoying themselves having found a like-minded friend in each other. They were so engrossed in talking that they didn’t take note of anything around them taking place.

Child Kidnapping Gangsters Grabbing Jaimee!

Gangster from Black limousine exits the car.
One of the gangsters exits the Black limousine.

A Black car with tinted windows passed by just then. The door facing the side-street was suddenly pushed open and a little girl scrambled out. Then two men exited the car right behind her, one of those men was trying to grab her. He grabbed the girl by her waist and tried to pull her to his side.

The girl was screaming loudly, “Help me!”

Robocarl and Supatra heard the screams and without hesitating ran towards the girl. Supatra, always quick to think, swung her handbag and a many needles shot out, heading straight for the men. She was a dead shot and the men howled in anger and pain as all the needles struck them in various points on their arms.

Gangster Threatens Supatra!

Gangster grabs Supatra on her arm and has a gun.
Gangster is holding Supatra and threatens her with a gun.

But that didn’t stop them. Instead, one man came up right in front of her and he grabbed Supatra’s arm and threatened her with a gun. She yelled, but couldn’t free herself. She could not reach for her handbag either as the man twisted her other hand behind her back.

Robocarl was assessing the situation and decided that he had to act fast. Having a lot of metal in him somehow reduced his speed but he knew he had the advantage of surprise.

He moved slowly forward and immediately swung his left arm at the man holding Supatra. He had a lot of power in that arm. That, plus a ton of metal, knocked the man so hard that he staggered back letting go of Supatra.

Supatra reacted quickly. Once she freed herself, she aimed her handbag at the man again. This time a rope shot out and the man was hit with the rope wrapping around his legs. He straightaway couldn’t hold his balance and he smashed down to the ground.

Then Robocarl and Supatra dealt with the other man. He was tougher and was holding the little girl in front of him as a shield to block Robocarl’s blows.

“What a sneaky act!”, Robocarl was thinking. Robocarl was so angry that he wanted to knock this man out, causing him to have a concussion for weeks.

He aimed his fists carefully, making sure not hitting the little girl. Supatra was not having much luck either, she couldn’t get a proper aim at the man either.

The Third Man!

Gangster driver threatening our heroes.
The third gangster is the driver and sneaks out of the car.

While all this was going on, the driver who was still in the car, quietly sneaked out of the car from the other side. He observed and waited for a chance to take out our hero team.

He saw how strong Robocarl was and decided to tackle him down first. He slowly approached from behind. The little girl who was still struggling hard, saw the third man coming and shouted, “Behind you!”

Supatra quickly swung her handbag at him and he felt himself hit with a punch in his face. Before he realized what happened to him, he fell down. The man holding the little girl was temporarily distracted by this.

The little girl elbowed him hard in his ribs and he yelled in pain loosening his hold. The little girl got free and she ran away as fast as she could. She was running very fast, obviously terrified of being captured again.

The Capture of The Gangsters!

Police is arresting a gangster.
One of the police officers is arresting a gangster.

Meanwhile police sirens could be heard from far. Robocarl and Supatra decided to follow her. While running behind her, they saw her falling down all the sudden. She was laying collapsed on the ground. Worried that she could be badly hurt, Robocarl and Supatra decided to take her to their car to drive her to the Wannabe hospital. Meanwhile the police arrived and arrested the gangsters.

Jaimee at the Wannabe Hospital!

Wannabe hospital reception room.
This is the hospital reception room were our heroes are waiting.

Our hero team drove to the Wannabe hospital. Once arrived they handed her over to the doctors and were asked to wait in the Wannabe reception room.

The doctors took her in to check her out and to treat her wounds. Later they found out that she was badly hurt and she had bruises everywhere. Although she had no cracked ribs, she had multiple injuries from being beaten and cut, which she did not get from the attempted kidnapping.

Who could be so cruel to a little girl? They stayed at the hospital, hoping they could talk to the little girl.

Jaimee Awakens!

Jaimee in the Wannabe hospital patient room.
Jaimee in the hospital bed.

When Jaimee opened her eyes, she struggled with the pain she was feeling in various parts of her body. She vividly could still remember the beatings and her horrible torture flashing through her mind from the past few days. She tried to suppress the thoughts of those. She looked around her and realized that she was laying on a hospital bed. She looked up and saw a man and a woman standing at her bed.

Then it all came back to her and she remembered them coming to her rescue. She tried to sit up and Supatra came forward to help her.


Thank…thank you…for saving me.


Hi I am Robocarl and that is Supatra. We came to your rescue. We are glad that we could help you.

Our heroes stayed for a while and chatted with her about pleasant things without mentioning the bad guys. For that she was grateful, because she didn’t want to think of the bad things that had happened to her. Soon, she knew that she would be questioned by the police anyway.

The police arrived earlier than expected to take her statement of what happened. To our heroes surprise, she did not give much information about what happened and thus they seem inclined to believe her. After a short while the police left, to let Jaimee rest.

A nurse came by to inform her that she could leave the hospital the next day. That set off a panic reaction from Jaimee. What should she do? Where could she go? Maybe she could go to Ivan for help. No, not Ivan. She should not implicate him anymore. As she was thinking about what to do, tiredness set in and she fell asleep. The effects of the medicine were kicking in and she had a long and deep sleep.

Child Kidnapping Stories! Jaimee’s Nightmare!

Nightmare of Jaimee about her torture.
Jaimee’s nightmare about her torture.

As she slept, she was plagued by nightmares. She dreamed she was back in the room and she could feel her pain all over again, particular in her left shoulder, where the man had hit her with the bottom of his gun.

In her dream she could see him coming again holding up his knife and his evil smile. She screamed but her screams were silent. Her throat was too tight to make any sound. She squeezed her eyes tight and shouted, “Help me! Help me!” but her voice was hoarse and weak.

She tried to scream again and felt the man’s hand going around her throat. At that very moment, she woke up with a start. She stared at Robocarl. He was looking kindly at her and wiped away the sweat on her forehead with his napkin. He asked her gently about what happened to her. She told him she fell down the stairs and she can take care of herself.

Robocarl must have sensed, that she was not telling the truth. He then told her about how he spent 6 months in a hospital. About his robotic journey from man to robot and that he is here to help her. Then he said, “Do you have any place to go?”

Taking Jaimee In!

Supatra and Robocarl in love.
Supatra and Robocarl um-arm each other.

In a moment of weakness, she shook her head. Robocarl then said, “Why don’t you come with me? I will first introduce you to my friends, who took great care of me and then we will see where you can stay.”

Jaimee was having an internal debate but she figured out it could be the safest place for her right now. So after Robocarl took care of the discharge documents, she left with him and Supatra the very next day.

Once outside Supatra jumped into Robocarl’s arms and said, “We are a super team together, I am so happy we went together on this date.”

To be continued…


Agent Moonwalker, Special Agent Reporter of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate


  1. Hey there,

    Great story! The issue you are touching here is a very very sensitive one. Child kidnapping and child abuse is one of the most horrible things that happen in our “civilized” societies. Why would someone want to hurt a child, and, even worse, who hurts a child for money, or for revenge to the parents?


    • Hello Marios,

      Agent Moonwalker is on a mission, but she will be with you this week to give her meaning to it. Thank you for taking the time to read what happened to little Jaimee here on planet Wealthy Earth, which lays somewhere in an alternative universe. On our planet we have many similarities but also differences. Here our heroes are to protect the innocent and our newspaper has the goal to help our readers to protect themselves against such crimes, that unfortunately also take place on our world.

      In part 2 we will focus on how we can help Jaimee and give you, our fans and readers hints and tips what you can do to avoid such from even taking place.

      Till then, stay safe.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate

    • Hi Marios,

      Children are most vulnerable. The gangsters are seeking information from Jaimee, thus the torture and the kidnapping are a result of that. Robocarl and Supatra just happened to be there at the right time and at the right place. If only the suffering children in this world would encounter more heroes like them.

      Agent Moonwalker, Special Agent Reporter

  2. I definitely wasn’t expecting this. I thought this was a news story, so I’m glad it’s fiction. The characters seem to have already been introduced somewhere else, have you written about them before, if so where? I’m also interested in learning more about whether this story is going to integrate into something larger, perhaps a comic series? 

    • Hi,

      Well I can assure you on our planet Wealthy Earth, somewhere in a parallel universe, it is a true reality. Our heroes were at the right place and acted swiftly to do what it takes to free little Jaimee. Unfortunately these things happen on your world too. 

      Robocarl and Supartra are our team members and our heroes, you can find more information about them by just visiting our front page and scroll down.

      Agent Moonwalker will continue bringing you the important news and heroic deeds of our heroes. She is back in the office today, but working with Dr. Fard on some scientific experiment, therefore I am writing you now.

      She will be back to you once she has finished.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  3. Very good post and it has a lot of suspense!

    I like your page because it has many of these things!

    The story of this kidnapping was interesting, I know it was a comic tale, with Supatra and so, but yet, maybe they could make a short movie with this?

    Or you could do it? I think with it, you could make good money, what do you think?

    Thanks for sharing!

    • Dear emmanuel,

      You honor us, the idea is good, but we do not want to make money on someones else’s suffering. Although this happened on our planet Wealthy Earth, in a parallel universe, these cases are also happening on your planet. Now if we can bring in more to this story in a way that it will help parents to avoid getting their kids into trouble, then I say yes it is a good idea.

      Do you have experience with movie making in this kind of way? Then contact us and we can talk about this project. We have movie making on our list anyway, so it could be something for the year 2019.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate

    • Hi Emmanuel,

      Your suggestion for a movie aimed to raise awareness is great. Our heroes are out there fighting evil and saving the good people, any effort to support their cause would be greatly appreciated!

      Agent Moonwalker, Special Agent Reporter

  4. Great story. I just can’t make up my mind if it is true or made up. If it was true it is not normal to put a picture of the real child in question on the website.

    Nevertheless some great storytelling here. I read it right through til the end, just so see what would happen to the little girl.

    Keep writing and keep entertaining us with stories like this one and I am sure you will already have established a good following.

    • Dear Michel,

      Agent Moonwalker is currently on leave, but she will be back next week and surely happy to hear you liked the story so much.

      Here on planet Wealthy Earth, things are a bit different as on your Earth. We believe it is important to protect our citizens in our city. Our heroes Robocarl and Supatra are part of our team and would take it up with anyone to protect the innocent. So a big applause goes to them.

      Thanks to Agent Moonwalker she picked up to this story and brought it to our readers attention. We will keep you up to date how it will continue and bring you also important information what you can do to protect yourself and your kids.

      Great to have you here with us.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate

    • Hi Michel,

      Even when I’m on leave, I’m constantly on the lookout for any newsworthy stories to report. Stay tuned for the latest happenings on our planet.

      We are also doing all we can to help Jaimee, she is now under the good care of Robocarl and one day we will find out her entire background story.

      Agent Moonwalker, Special Agent Reporter

  5. Wow, this is a well informed story. These kidnappers are very wicked  from my point of view. I mean, what are they looking for in such a little girls like Jaimee. Thanks to Robocarl and  Supatra who came to her rescue. I don’t know what exactly they would have done to her. But I think it would have been a very bad experience for Jaimee.

    This is a very fine lesson for all parents to learn something from this story. They need to keep an eye on their children all the time to make sure they are safe all the time.

    Thanks so much for sharing this, it was full of suspense as I was anticipating what will happen next to Jaimee.


    • Hi Stephen,

      Thank you for your care shown to Jaimee, she is indeed traumatized by this event. Maybe Robocarl has a way to help her regain her peace of mind and maybe he knows a way to resolver her troubles eventually once and for all.

      Stay tuned for further developments on Jaimee.

      Agent Moonwalker, Special Agent Reporter

  6. Hey Moonwalker,

    I like the way you have written about a touchy subject in a humorous way. I enjoyed reading your adventures of the hero’s robocarl and partner Supatra. Plus how them end up taking in the little girl Jamiee at the end of the story.

    This wants me to


    • Hi Elaine,

      Here is The Joker.

      Our heroes Robocarl and Supatra are real on our world called planet Wealthy Earth located somewhere in a parallel universe. They say hi to you.

      As for Agent Moonwalker, she is our Star Reporter of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate novel newspaper and she brings you the news happening around us. She is truly amazing in what she does.

      Jaimee is safe and well and enjoys playing with Molly, Robocarl’s cybernetic dog.

      If you like to know more about our world, have a look around and while you read, you will learn and have a great time.

      Agent Moonwalker has a day off, but she will be back to you by next week.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate

    • Hi Elaine,

      We are committed to bring you the the most recent happenings on our planet. Follow Robocarl and Supatra as they uncover more evils and seek to bring the goodness back into our lives.

      Agent Moonwalker, Special Agent Reporter

  7. Wow, what a chilling story, although, there is nothing more chilling than  a child being kidnapped.

    Just in reasoned days, here in Canada, there was a huge discussion of a child kidnapper and murderer being transferred from a high security prison into a healing lodge.

    Although, this has nothing to do with your story, it came up into my mind in an instance when I was reading it.

    There is no way we can imagine how an individual ,especially a child, can recover from this kind of an experience or better nightmare.

    You are certainly a good writer and I enjoyed the read and looking forward to the next part.

    • Hello Sylvia,

      Agent Moonwalker is currently on leave, but she will be back to you by next week.

      On our world, planet Wealthy Earth, in a parallel universe, these things happen as they do on your world and these things are bad. Our heroes are on place to help the innocent and we thought we bring you their story of their heroism saving little Jaimee, who is happy to have found a new home for now.

      We will keep you informed how it will continue. Stay a while, have a look and enjoy our other stories we write for you.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate

  8. I have a hard time to read about people hurting any living soul. However, it was a well written story. I hope that the bad guys get what they deserve.

    • Hello Jeannine,

      Agent Moonwalker is currently on leave, but she will get back to you once she is back. We thought we write about the heroism of our heroes and that Jaimee got saved as it is important for people to learn what they can do to avoid getting their kids into trouble. Agent Moonwalker will tell you more about her next upcoming article.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate

  9. With all the innocent children disappearing at such an alarming rate, don’t you think it is time for a Special Agent Supatra in the team of the News Paper or do you have it all under control?
    Just thinking out loud?

    Bush Lady


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