Big Pictures Google! What Will it take for Rank Killing?
Today we talk about if big pictures can kill your Google ranking. McTeddy is here with me as he likes to learn more about this topic. He says hi to all of you.
As we all know by now, well at least that would be the common sense and logic, whenever we look at pictures it is the attractiveness and the power of expression of that picture that motivates our eye-muscles to interact with our brains to tell us we like it very much and therefore look closer and read the content around it.
According to Dr. Fard, the human brain is a fantastic network of neurons making us smart for who we are. With the brain of an alien it looks different, well he has some questions about it’s functionality if there is any at all. After the capture of the Alien Supersteak Dr. Fard was able to take this alien to his lab for further studying.
It is very complicated and he doesn’t have the right equipment in our news office so it went to his laboratory in Switzerland. It can be a huge advantage for us if we can find out more about how aliens think. We will keep you about the further development updated.
Now some people say that full screen pictures can harm your rankings within Google, especially due to it’s size when using full HD pictures. Now that might be true if those pictures are used in full quality and without compression.
Oh, yes, what is McTeddy? What is compression? Let me explain you. You take a piece of paper and you make a ball of it, you press it together as hard as you can and the smaller it gets the higher the compression is. Oh, ok, yes, see you in 5 then. McTeddy is going to Dr. Fard’s office to get some papers as he likes to try it out.
Where were we? Ok, first of all, a bigger picture is not necessarily a ranking killer as it very much depends on it’s size and the loading time of that picture on your website. Off course the faster the better. But besides of fast, how fast should fast be, it all depends on the users expectations.

Big Pictures Google! It’s All About The User Feeling!
A nice looking website with an intuitive UX as well your UI are more important as the worries you may have about the size of your pictures. And by the way, this is only all a matter of time as in the future our internet will get faster and faster, so size won’t matter anymore. The trend will go to quality design and content.
Some definitions for those of you who might not be profound with the terms:
- UX = User Experience
- UI = User Interface
Now let us have a look at your website, shall we?
The Front Page
Now if we talk about the front page, the page you see first when landing on your website, now that one should always be the fastest one. Visitors want to have a quick loading time for the first page and if it is within their acceptable limit of waiting, they will stay and read on. I advise you to keep it slick and clean, it best works with White background, black letters. Just like our newspaper.
Your Other Pages / Categories
Now once a visitor is on your website anyway, like me for instance, and I would want to go into your menu or open a post from your front page, I am willing to wait a bit longer. Of course if it takes too long, I might leave too.
The only thing you need to know now is how many seconds. For me up to 7 seconds are ok, but that may differ from person to person. Have a look at our page Supernatural and High Tech, where we currently are experimenting with background effects. Our other normal categories work with a big background picture on Full HD.
And tell me, what do you think of this philosophy of using big pictures and what is important for you in view of the visitor and the creator? You can leave me your comments below. Now let’s get back to McTeddy, he should be back by now…
McTeddy’s Philosophy on Compressions! One Shade of Blue!

The Joker
Oh there you are, it took you a while McTeddy. Did you get lost?
I was looking for papers and had to find some. Normally it is always chaos in Dr. Fard’s office, so papers are everywhere, just not today. But look what I found, here those are Blue and shiny and thin. Look what a beautiful little ball I made, oho it is so easy, look 3 more. There were only those 4. Does it make a difference in compression if they are thin and in a different color?
The Joker
You will get a smaller ball from smaller content so yes. The color differs a bit as well. And did you like today’s training with me? What will you do, when Dr. Fard is back?
Oh ok, thank you. I had a lot of fun, I did not get bored for one minute, will you give me some cuddles now till Dr. Fard is back? Then I can go playing ball with Monster and see if he likes blue paper balls hihihi.
The Joker
Sounds like a great idea, Monster will be very happy. Come here, I will cuddle you untill they are back, Moony said she would bring me chocolates, they should return any moment.
After a while we heard the elevator opening and there they were, Agent Moonwalker (Moony), Dr. Fard, Monster and Aitor all returned from the trip. Wow they had so many bags with them, I hope Moony did not forget my chocolates.

McTeddy ran out of my office to meet up with Monster and play ball and left Dr. Fard no time to rest a bit on a chair, while Monster put his head on his knee. So Dr. Fard came to my office and asked if all went well with McTeddy. I told him that he was a great listener and he behaved so well with me. He practiced his teachings how to compress a paperball. Dr. Fard was amused to hear it and went back to his office.
Agent Moonwalker entered my office
Look I got you your favorite chocolates, enough for a whole month. On our way back we went to the shopping center, so I thought of you.
The Joker
Wow that is so nice of you, thank you Moony. Yummy my favorite chocolate.
Then all the sudden Dr. Fard came to us in the office and asked me if I had seen his Blue Prints of his latest Kubaku invention.
The Joker
Kubaku what? What did you invent this time?
Dr. Fard
It will revolutionize our Stardrives of our Space Fleet and we will be able to travel outside off our own Galaxy. I left them on my table and now they are gone. Aliens? Did you see anything unusual? This is a disaster. I worked years on those plans.
Agent Moonwalker
Maybe you misplaced them, you know in your chaos you easily mix them with other papers.
The Joker
Ehm…. you better go looking for McTeddy having his paperball game with Monster, I remember he had some Blue papers with him, when he came back from your office… I had no clue. But who leaves such important papers on his office table anyway?
Dr. Fard
No, you do not tell me this was my fault, you said you would look after him and now this. So he did whaaat? Oh nooooo. There there they are, Moony go get them quick, Monster sit, sit, don’t you move, McTeeeeedyyyyy……
Dr Fard and Moony ran as fast as they could towards McTeddy and Monster. McTeddy was like, what did I do now? Monster sat on command and chewed Dr. Fard’s delicious Blue Print, while McTeddy quickly hid under a table. Dr. Fard removed it from Monster’s mouth. The Blueprint looked like a squeezed sponch.
Dr. Fard
Oh no, I hope we can recover it. McTeddy, where are the other pieces? You can come out, I won’t be mad at you, but no cuddles. Please bring us the other parts. And yes Moony, I should have known better and will keep important things away from a little kid, like McTeddy is.
Here Dr. Fard and I am sorry, I didn’t know they were so important to you. They looked so beautiful blue and I fell in love with them right away. I will go to Aitor and look what he is going to play. Maybe he let’s me too. Aitor is very funny. One day I will be a passwordgamer like Moony is hihihi…
Agent Moonwalker
Not so fast, first let’s meet all in our kitchen and I will make us coffee and tea and serve delicious cookies and more. I have to show you my new clothes I bought as well. Come let’s go…
We all went to the kitchen and had a wonderful time, Dr. Fard forgot what happened and took McTeddy on his shoulder, Aitor showed Moony his new computer game and Monster made himself comfortable by laying on Dr. Fard’s feet.
The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate
Thanks for the informative and comical article on keeping image sizes under control. Is there an easy way to tell if an image is ‘too big’ or do you just test by seeing if the page loads up faster than 7 seconds?
In an age of quickly dwindling attention spans I can see why it would be very important to make sure image sizes aren’t taking up too much space! Thanks again for your insight.
Hello Jon,
Look up the size of your photo, before uploading use a compressing method and once uploaded use an additional compressing plugin, we have found out that it still gets 10-30% out of it without losing quality. Try to keep them as small as possible.
If you have a big photo, but you only need it small, upload it as a small photo, it saves space. The size to use very much depends on the theme you use. I suggest you ask the developers what the recommended size is so you can work with those.
If you need further help, let us know.
The Joker, Editor in Chief