Star Trek Ghost Ship! The Avalon Universe! Episode 1!

Are Space Zombies for Real in Star Trek?


The Avalon Universe! First Episode: Star Trek Ghost Ship!

A new fan series is born and this video production is just amazing. The story telling about Star Trek Ghost Ship is great, the characters are well played, special effects are great looking and the sound track as well are creating the right atmosphere. All in all this first fan production is really enjoyable. On top of that, the funny jokes are placed at the right moments. Lets not forget this is a fan production with limited budget and for that it is really well done.

Storyline Star Trek Ghost Ship! The Avalon Universe!

Commander Derek Mason gets a new assignment to investigate an abandoned dead Ghost Ship “The USS Excalibur NCC 1705”, which got disabled and wrecked during the incident. The ship incurred major damages and the entire crew is lost, due to multiple hall breaches and a failure of the life support system.

The antimatter containment field is fluctuating and towing in the ship with a tractor beam can cause a warp core breach. Commander Derek Mason is ordered to take a small away team of 3, including an engineer, to stabilize the USS Excalibur so the ship can be salvaged and brought back under impulse power. Then the crew can be laid down to rest as well.

What will they discover? Is there any lifeform on board? And what does it have to do with zombies? Go watch it and find out for yourselves. Enjoy this awesome fan made film production.

What is the Avalon Universe?

Star Trek The Avalon Universe. A Nebula.
A Nebula in The Star Trek Avalon Universe.

It is a bizarre alternative universe / parallel universe. Everything is duplicated, well almost. To understand more, here is a video from the writer and director Josh Irwin to explain a bit more about it.

Part 2 of Star Trek Ghost Ship! The Avalon Universe!

Credits Star Trek Ghost Ship! The Avalon Universe!


  • Captain Derek Mason: Tyler Dunivan
  • Commander Amanda Beck: Victoria Fox
  • Lt. Commander Jamie Archer: Victoria Archer
  • Lt. Commander Eric Minard: Vance Major
  • Commander James Laws: John Laws
  • Commodore Joseph Austin: Jushua Irwin
  • Zombies: Jason Spriggs, Lori Melline, Katey Williams, Nicholas McFarland, Jaquelin L. Gates, Tracy Lowry, Veronica Spence, Tammie L. Gates, Rosemary Stalvey, Melissa Cooper
  • Unknown lifeform on the Star Trek ghost ship: unknown

Special Thanks

Vance Major, Ray Tesi, Glen Wolfe, Dan Reynolds, Scott Johnson, Glen Miller, Amys Tamalas, Thrill The World – Jacksonville – FL

Production Crew

  • Writer / Director: Josh Irwin
  • Producer: Victoria Fox
  • CG Visual Effects: Samuel Cockings
  • Live Action Visual Effects Editor: Earl Hale
  • Featuring Original Music: Nicholas McFarland
  • Camera Operators: Michael Morrison, Gaffer, Sam Rooks, Best Boy, Royal Weaver
  • Song Artist: Gene Michael Productions: GM_454_14_Logical Conclusion_theme-Gene Michael Productions
  • Song Album: Gene Michael Productions: GM_454_Crime Drama VI (Dark – Drama – Danger – Ambient – Underscore)
  • Licensed to YouTube by: AdRev for a 3rd Party; AdRev Publishing

Filmed at

Stage 9 Studios, Kingsland, GA USA


The Joker, Editor in Chief


  1. Well Joker,

    I really have to say that although I was never a big Star Trek fan when I was growing up, thank you for introducing me to this Star Trek Fan Production.

    I found this so much easier to watch and enjoyed the humour that was mixed into it as well. Hope the rest of the Segments are as good as this and with the same amount of humour.

    Looking forward to the next Segment.

    • Yes, this production is so great, I had to bring it to you my fans and readers. This is how Star Trek should be, interesting story, action and comedy.

      Segment 2 will come soon. See you back then.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  2. Hello joker, i really enjoyed the fan short scifi, the acting was great and the comedy was also awesome. i didnt expect this high quality for a sci fiction but i must commend the directors, actors and the whole team behind this effort as it was a worthwhile production and i recommend it for fans of short sci fi 

    • And that is the reason I bring these kind of good scifi movies to you fans and readers, also to support independent artists in this way. You might want to check out the other movies we have here.

      Have fun!

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  3. Star Trek Ghost Ship is a great production done with unparalleled expertise. It has very good characterization, and  the characters are well played out. I like the use of  special effects which adds splendor to the video  and the sound track is perfectly creating the right mood. I also like the flow of jokes as used and this kind of adds comic relief.

    The mission Commander Derek Mason and his 3-man team was sent on was more or less a journey to the unknown.

    The cast is excellent, and they all performed greatly. This is a good video I will like everyone to watch and to have.

    • Actually, his away team only counts 3 as you could have seen in the video. He is one of them in his away team. Glad to hear you liked the fan productions.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  4. Looking forward to this – I’ve been a trekkie ever since I was about five years old, and that recent Star Trek Discovery is nothing more than an over-acted disgrace to the franchise. 

    Since when was it okay to swear in an episode of Star Trek?

    Ridiculous idea where all the budget has been used on effects, and the script shows it. 

    Looking forward to watching these, what platforms are they available on online?

    • Same here, Star Trek fan, my favorite series are: Star Trek The Next Generation, Star Trek Deep Space 9 and Star Trek with Jonathan Archer (season 4 was the best and I was looking forward to the Romulans season, then they stopped producing.

      I agree, story is more important then special effects.

      As you can see from the videos here, you can find them on Youtube, I put also links up at the end of this blog. Via goes to Youtube and Source goes to their Facebook fan page.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  5. Your blog on the trekkie alternate universe is definitely for the scifi and Star Trek lovers. Having lived with a Trek lover, I can see this appealing to him and in fact I will have to share it with him!

    The movie was quite funny… Not sure if it was supposed to be a spoof, but I enjoyed watching it. have they got a fan club of their own?

    • Hi Liz,

      You can go to their fan page on Facebook, just click on the Source at the end of my article. I will publish all upcoming episodes on the newspaper, so stay tuned.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief

  6. Hey Joker – I’m a massive Star Trek fan (although I gave up with the Enterprise series – it just didn’t cut it for me) and although I’ve heard about fan flicks, this is the first one I’ve actually seen.  Absolutely amazing!

    I totally agree with your appraisal, for a low budget fan film they have done exceedingly well. The space shots and the techy instrumentation are particularly well done. I wish the cuts between characters when they speak had been a  little less static. In the initial scene the to and fro is soon predictable and quickly becomes weird. I also think the dialogue could be improved a little but these are minor quibbles.

    I didn’t notice the music – which is a good sign for movie work 🙂 although a great ST-like theme would have given the series a big boost.

    How many of these movies have been made?

    I’m going right back to check out the Avalon Universe now, and then on to Part 2.

    Great stuff!Ian

    • Hello Ian,

      There are other fan flicks that are good as well, I will publish some more next weekend, you surely do not want to miss that one.

      There is always place for improvement, I think they did a great job as first production. Especially the Star Trek like theme should be pepped up, as this series would deserve that.

      So far 2 episodes were made. I will write a review about that for next weekend.

      Have fun and seeing you around.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief


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