Turbo Zombie Gladiator Threesome Dan Bull

From the games Ryse: Son of Rome, Dead Rising 3 and Forza Motorsport 5


Zombie Rap Gladiator Turbo Zombie Gladiator Threesome Dan Bull

A zombie rap video called Turbo Zombie Gladiator Threesome by Dan Bull on behalf of Microsoft.  This video was an advertisement video for the games Ryse: Son of Rome, Dead Rising 3 and Forza Motorsport 5.

Since I am often out of the office to discuss advertisement contracts with new companies for our Newspaper, it is Agent Moonwalker (Moony), who takes over all related important things to do while I am out. One of these things is to take care of McTeddy and Monster.

Dr. Fard joins me often as he likes to see the scientific value of these meetings, well whatever, it is great when he joins as it is very interesting to hear about his new inventions and discoveries.

So on this particular day, Moony had to take care of McTeddy and Monster, by taking them in her office. Easy peasy we would say, but we know by now that McTeddy is needing a lot of attention. Failing in doing so can have chaotic consequences. Monster is easy to keep as he loves sleeping after a good meal and that is what Moony usually does, a good meal and then she lets run Monster in our backyard. Dr. Fard made many special toys and also a toilet for Monster. We will write more about that in another article for you.

McTeddy came to sit with Moony behind her computer, while Monster had his nap. Moony likes to entertain herself, when I am out of the building. She found a new game about Zombies. Not current game, she is not kind of into these. She likes action games with fun. So she found another one.

You can read all about it in our music video presentation of Dan Bull & Boyinaband: Plants vs Zombies.


The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate


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