
Telescope short movie by The Telescope Team

Telescope an awesome futuristic movie! Telescope the short scifi movie by The Telescope Team was made in July 2013 and is today still an awesome...

Alien Continuum By Darkus Marque

Alien Continuum Animation This computer generated animation called Alien Continuum is a sequel to the movie Alien Infinity. This is an amateur animation. The production...
Game Review War Thunder

War Thunder Game Review!

War Thunder Game Review! War Thunder Game Review, a game that encompasses air, land, and sea. It is a free-to-play MMO combat game and can...
The Avalon Universe! Star Trek Ghost Ship! Episode 1!video

Star Trek Ghost Ship! The Avalon Universe! Episode 1!

The Avalon Universe! First Episode: Star Trek Ghost Ship! A new fan series is born and this video production is just amazing. The story telling...

SEAM By Master Key Films

SEAM By Master Key Films This is an amazing movie and a must see for any scifi fan out there. The special effects and the...

Half-Life The Freeman Chronicles By Ian James Duncan

The Freeman Chronicles: Episode 1 Are you a fan of one of the most famous 3D shooters ever made called Half Life? Then this series...

ENVOY By Black Sun Entertainment LLC

ENVOY Black Sun This Sci-Fi short movie was made in 2014. Envoy was created by Director David Weinstein and Visual Effects Supervisor Adam Coggin. The visual...
Rakka a short movievideo

RAKKA By Oats Studios

RAKKA Superior Alien Race By Oats Studios Rakka a short sci-fi movie by Oats Studios with a good storyline and many special effects. The movie...

EXiST By Tyson Wade Johnston

Do I EXiST? A Movie By Tyson Wade Johnston This short sci-fi movie is going to blow your mind. "Exist" by Tyson Wade Johnston is a...
Embers & Dust reviewvideo

Embers & Dust By DUST

"Embers & Dust" by Patrick Biesemans Movie Review We write the year 1938, the year where Orson Welles voice traveled on the radio informing the...


What Is What It Is?

Why Is It What Is What It Is Calling Monday a Monday? Good morning everyone, It was Monday, the day of days to start our week...
Troll your beard no matter what form it has.

Beard Styles Men Trolling!

Police officers writing an arrest report.

Child Kidnapping Stories!


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