How to Improve Productivity at Work with The Use of 2 Screens!

No Alien Invention!

Work can much better get done with the use of 2 screens.
Get more done in less time. Use 2 sor more screens.

Dear fans and readers,

The alien invasion is still ongoing and we are investigating all ties to it. Meanwhile we think about a way how to improve productivity at work with speeding up our findings to aid us in faster results. I like to share some knowledge with you, a method I am using for years and I know it will help our cause as it will help you too.

For all of you wondering the easiness clicking yourself through your browser tabs, or even switching between browsers to easier practice your learnings. There is a much better way and it will increase your speed with whatever you do on your computer.

How to Improve Productivity at Work with Bigger Screens!

Improve productivity at work with connecting a bigger screen.
Use a bigger screen connected to your laptop to improve productivity at work with great results.

If your graphic card allows it, nowadays many do, you can add a second bigger screen and use your graphics card software to expand your working desktop on both screens. For laptops this is a must too, as they often work with smaller screens, then at home you connect a big one to it and you will be able to work in a much easier way.

I am working with two screens for years. I got 2×27″ screens connected to my normal PC on my table and it helps me tremendously improving my working speed here at The Daily Wealthy Affiliate Novel Newspaper.

How you may ask? Well put one browser with your to edit website on your left and your resources you need to work with on your right. Like this no switching anymore needed, just look at your second screen.

How to Improve Productivity at Work with Connecting Many Screens!

Improve your productivity at work with using 2 screens.
Use multiple screens and you will see how to improve productivity at work with this idea, will work for you.

Nowadays modern graphics cards, or 2 graphics cards, can offer you to connect even more screens, up to a whole wall. Many gamers have 3-6 screens, now just think how that can help you with working on your business.

In short words you can work with several programs at the same time, btw some Aliens do not use 2 screens, but 8, because they have 8 hands. Other aliens are known for using telepathy and work without screens. If you ever see someone working behind the computer without a screen, careful, it is very much likely an alien.

Dr. Fard said telepathy is a technology currently being researched by Fard Industries and can be a great advantage to us to use it against our fight against the alien mastermind Blender.

And do you use 0,1, 2 or even more screens?


The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate


  1. Having 2 screens is definitely helpful, it’s easy to just move your current page to the other screen then open another page on your main. I did it before while at work and it was helpful. At home I only have a laptop with 1 screen so I just try to reduce the size of the page so I can see multiple things at once.

  2. I use two screens in the office – 19″ and a wide-screen 24″.

    At home, I use an iMac with it’s a single wide-screen monitor.


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