Super-Bug Attacks Mobile Phones!

According to the latest news we received from Dr. Fard and Dr. Moon, aliens have started another attack on Earth’s Communication Devices and many cell phone virus symptoms are being experienced!

They are creating a new strain of a very dangerous super-bug (bacteria, virus and fungus combined). This new super-bug is called the SteptoOptoscopto.  It is the goal of the aliens to sicken the human population from cell phone use. This is a problem, as we are very dependable on our mobile phones.

How Does The SteptoOptoscopto Infiltrate The Human Body?

Our cell phones are infected with this super-bug. And as cell phones are also radiation amplifiers, the super-bug starts to multiply and grows extremely fast.

Once we put our mobile phones to our head, the super-bug will start to crawl on our head to find an opening into our body. It will try to find entry into your ears, your eyes, your nose, your mouth (yummy) and any other part of your body.

Once inside your body, it will try to take over your cells. This is causing massive damage to your body. When it managed to take over your cells, it will change you into a remote-controlled zombie for the aliens. So be warned, you need to take immediate action to stop this from happening!

Who Is Wearing A Toilet Seat?

So have you ever wondered, how it may feel wearing a toilet seat around your neck? No? How about smearing poop on your face? No?

Are you using a mobile phone? YES (>99% of you will say this)

Well congratulations for smearing fecal germs on your head, whenever you are using your mobile phone! Yes, did you know your mobile phone has got 10 times more germs on them than your toilet seat?

After the latest analysis by Dr. Fard, who took 30 mobile phones under investigation. He found out that germs and microbes were having a party on the mobile phones. And well over 20 different species of germs and microbes. They have much more fun living on your phone than your toilet seat! Some phones even have pathogenic bacteria on them.

Does Your Mobile Phone Go Where You Go?

How many of you are taking your mobile phones to the bathroom and toilet? How many of you play with your mobile phones in bed? And later taking them into the kitchen? No, wait! How many of you are taking and using your mobile phones while you eat? Bon Appetite!

As if the radiation is not causing you enough brain damage.

Cell Towers, WiFi routers and modems will add to your mis-forming of your brain and add to those mysterious unprecedented growth of chronic diseases too. Well you accepted that already as that is the price you will pay for using social platforms (Facebook and consortium). But hell yeah how about infecting yourself with germs on a daily base?

For anyone who is interested to do something about it, here are some tips from Agent Moonwalker, our top Special Agent Reporter working for The Daily Wealthy Affiliate, your novel newspaper.

12 Tips Protect Yourself From Germs and Radiation on Mobile Phones

1) Stop using a mobile phone

2) Clean your mobile phone with Colloidal Silver every time before use

3) Wear gloves while using your mobile phone

4) Do not put your mobile phone to your head, use a headset instead. (Do not forget to clean your headset with colloidal silver too as germs can easily jump from your phone to your headset)

5) Wear a hat made of aluminum to cover your head and face. This will shield you from the dangerous radiation from your mobile phone or other EMF devices, as well as cell towers and WiFi stations accessible in public

6) Drink 30ml of colloidal silver every day to help your body fight off infections

7) Use a protective carry bag to put your mobile phone in, which will also shield your body from the dangerous radiation

8) Avoid taking your mobile phone to the toilet and other places where fecal material is aerosolized

9) Limit your phone use in areas with weak perception. The weaker the signal, the stronger your phone will radiate to build up a connection to the cell tower

10) Turn off any WiFi devices in your home. Use cables instead, or at least bring it to a minimum. Know that your children are more affected than you are

11) Increase your nutritions intake to help your body repair the damage: use clove, rosemary, turmeric, cinnamon and ginger

12) increase your magnesium intake to help your body to protect itself against radiation

No more toilet seats around your necks!


The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate


  1. Loved this informative and entertaining article. I have been harping on the dangers of cell phones for years. I never hold it to my ear, turn my wifi off every night, and make sure the signal isn’t weak. 

    Also, I’m a huge fan of magnesium and take it every day, and try daily to optimize my nutrition. I never though about using colloidial silver to clean my phone. Great advice, this post should be a wakeup call for all of us. 

    Thank you!

    • Hi Holly,

      Besides of using Colloidal Silver to clean you phone, you can use it to clean anything and replace your whole cleaning assortment. People easy forget, where their phone goes and it is a shocker how badly infected it is with germs. Perhaps one day the phone manufacturers will use material that cannot be infected with germs. That would be a big plus.

      The Joker, Editor in Chief


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