Rocksmith Video Game PC Rap Dan Bull Niro Knox


Rocksmith Video Game PC 2014 Rap

This rap track was made in 2014 and it Rocks! Rocksmith Video Game PC Rap by Dan Bull and Niro Knox, who played the guitar parts and Boyinaband did the production.

“Finally” McTeddy yelled from Dr. Fards office. The door slammed open and McTeddy came running into my office. He must have heard this video from Dan Bull I played and write you about today. “Yes?” I asked McTeddy.

McTeddy said: “I heard that rocking video and I love it, it sounds even great with the spoken words from Dan Bull! Will you write an article about it and can I hear it again?”. I told McTeddy that we call this Rap music and that Rap is used in many different music directions. McTeddy asked me what Rap is stands for.

I said: “Hmmm… that is a good question, wait let me look it up for you…., ah here it is: R.a.P. = Rhythm and Poetry. The Rhythm is what makes the beat, it makes you moving, just try to move your feet to the beat.” While I said this I played the video again and McTeddy tried to put his little paw feet to the rhythm of the beat. Slowly step by step he started to get a feeling for the music and before I knew it he was dancing, jumping and yelling of happiness.

He was so loud that everyone in the office came looking to see what was going on. Seeing a swinging Teddy Bear must have had a rocking effect on our team members as they all joined dancing and swinging with McTeddy. Even Dr. Fard joined, that was a surprise as he is not exactly someone you see swinging on a dance-floor. Robocarl made funny robot moves, Moony tried moon-jumps and Aaila tried to mirror everyone. Wow it was fantastic. After the song everyone went back to work.

I explained McTeddy that the Poetry gives a special meaning to the way a story is told. McTeddy understood everything and said he will listen more to other styles of Rap-music and maybe he will even like it.

And dear readers, do you like Rap-music?


The Joker, Editor in Chief of The Daily Wealthy Affiliate


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